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How to properly dry moist weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by emdyeks, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. Got a 1/2 and it seems a little moist, probably due to not being dried properly. It smokes fine, but feels a little moist and the stems don't snap, just bend. How do you dry it out without overdrying it?
  2. Google is your friend. Just google "properly curing marijuana". Guaranteed to find something.
  3. just leave the bag open for about an hour n then check if its dry, if not then leave it open till its the way u like it
  4. ok cool. Is leaving it open overnight or for an entire day overkill though? It looks like how weed is supposed to look, not like it was picked right off the plant or anything, just has that super sticky feel and is a little moist, especially with the stems not snapping yet.
  5. dry in a cool dark place for a day make sure the buds get turned everynow and then so they dont look smashed at one end then put in a jar for storage
  6. i wouldnt want drier bud, moist and sticky is better. even if the stems don't snap, that's just a sign of great bud. but, if you just leave it out of a bag itll dry up overnight, maybe two.
  7. well i don't really care if it's moist that much, I just don't want it to mold, as I keep it in an airtight canister
  8. stems that bend instead of snapping means the bud it still too wet. It doesnt have to to with potency. buds should be hung to dry until stems snap. then stored in air tight containers in a cool dark place to that they can cure.
  9. Let it air out in small intervals, like an hour or so at a time, until you're satisfied.
  10. #10 willupdatewithanwsers, Jan 12, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
    Bake a bud in the oven 150 degrees for 4 minutes. Should do the trick. I test a bud of my mary jane before harvesting by doing this trick at 150* for 10 minutes and it works for me :p

  11. OP is 10 years old lol
  12. subtract 3 more mate and bingo!

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