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How to open a medmaryjane shop?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Robdriz, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. How does one open a MMJ shop? If this bill gets passed in IL, it would be a pretty sweet business.
  2. That's totally going to be up to the state, so the thing is no one knows. California is the only state I believe to actually have shops. You can allow the possession and manufacturing but Illinois will not have shops you can sell it at. They've closed a ton in California, but maybe things will get better.
  3. If someone opens a mj shop in Illinois, Im moving back in with my 'rents:smoking:they live in chicago. Now if youll excuse me im gonna get some bud. first time in weeks!:hello:
  4. How do you go about opening one in California? I've thought about doing that.

  5. u cant now... they put a restraint on any new shops opening up... it is only temporary... but no one knows how long it will last.

    but if u truly want the spects just pm me and ill give ya everything u need to know (california law wise) about opening up your own dispensary.

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