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How to obtain a medical marijuana card?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JaysForDays, May 16, 2011.

  1. I don't quite understand how so many people can get them, like can you get a fake one? Is there a list I could see that shows the medical problems that are listed in order to get a card? Also- what states have dispensaries?
  2. Just to let you know, you are about to get bitched at for the "can you get a fake one?" Watch out for the assholes.
  3. Yeah, not SAYING I would get one, haha.
  4. talk to your doctor about it .
  5. It'd be nice though!
  6. u can get "fake" one, but u have to be smart enough to figure out how on your on. gl!

    gonna require some trips to the doctor, and even then its not a lock in. better off not abusing the system for the rest of us with real medical use?
  7. You have to get a doctor's recommendation. If you have chronic pain, HIV/ AIDS, Cancer, etc. you can get one usually. In states where they have had medical laws in place for some time it seems to be easier to get.
  8. What about bi-polar?
  9. You need a doctors recommendation, it also depends on what state you live in. Go here: California Medical Use - NORML, on the left hand side, select your state and see if it has medical marijuana. If it does, scroll to the bottom and look for the section "CONTACT INFORMATION." Look for "For a list of [YOUR STATE HERE] doctors who recommend medical cannabis, please visit: [WEBSITE HERE]"

    The link I provided has california selected as the medical marijuana state, so for example it gives you a URL to find doctors who give recommendations (Local Medical Marijuana Cultivation & Possession Guidelines Under California State Law SB 420 | California NORML). Do the same for your state and find the website that gives recommendations for your specific state.
  10. I'm not completely sure if you could get one for that reason alone. I would talk to a doctor and tell them because of being bi-polar you are unable to sleep. It is definitely something worth checking into.
  11. The bottom line is this: people should not need a card to buy marijuana, it should be legal or fully decriminalized.

    So, LIE. Tell the doctor you have insomnia, can't sleep, have depression and have chronic back pain. You should be able to get a card then. Normally I wouldn't suggest lying, but marijuana prohibition is ridiculous. So, do what you need to do and say what you have to to get a card.
  12. This may be true but scamming the system for recreational use of marijuana at the risk of cancer patients losing their medicine is pretty selfish in my opinion.

    Anti-Pot parties dont need any excuse to rag on medicinal marijuana but yeah i do agree with making weed legal.
  13. He does have a legitamite reason to get it in my own opinion, cannabis does help people who suffer from depression and who are bi-polar. I had severe depression, got prescribed prozac and realized it wasn't really helping. Weed works better for me, I'm sure it would help with his bi-polar behavior too.

    So why does he have to add more symptoms? Cause its unlikely a doctor will give him a card just for bi-polar disorder, he'll want him on traditional pharmaceutical meds. That's why if he adds some more problems he'll have a higher chance of getting the medicine.

  14. It isn't people getting their medical card that truly do not need it other than for recreational purposes that is keeping cancer patients from not having the herb. It is prohibition that keeps the people who need their medicine from getting it. Full legalization would give them great access to their medicine at a very low cost... how it should be. After all it is just a weed.
  15. Yeah i know prohibition causes 99.9% of the problems associated with weed.
    But scamming the system doesn't help our movement really does it.

    Burtontoker: Thats a valid point if he has bi polar i wouldnt of thought weed helps with that?? Learn something new about the herb every day though.
  16. "...a number of patients find cannabis useful in the treatment of their bipolar disorder. Some used it to treat mania, depression, or both. They stated that it was more effective than conventional drugs, or helped relieve the side effects of those drugs.

    The cannabinoids, THC and CBD may exert sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, antidepressant, antipsychotic and anticonvulsant effects."

    Facts about Bipolar Disorder and Medical Marijuana | Show Me the Facts
  17. you may have "insomnia"? or you may have "anxiety" due to unavoidable stress in your life. These were all valid reasons, at least in CA.
  18. They are prescribed for pain, if you have reasons you can probably get one, as long as your Dr. is chill.

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