how to not get high

Discussion in 'General' started by stash_up, Jul 25, 2003.


how do you not get high?

  1. by not smoking it

    0 vote(s)
  2. by not smoking enough

    0 vote(s)
  3. by smoking 3 0r 4 bowls

    0 vote(s)
  1. the best way i can think to not get high is to run into a police station with your pot and some bricks, take the pot and fling it all over tha place, now after your done doing that, take the bricks and see how many cops you can hit before getting shot of beatten with their little clubs!!!
  2. or u could spray yourself in the eye with pepper spray
    OOOOO that would hurt! but u wouldn't get high lol

  3. ahaha i misss this guy

    i rule
  5. usualy by not smokeing it but if ive had a heavy smokeing week usualy after a few day its not smokeing enough
  6. *selects 1-worst in thread rating
  7. I guess if you put some bees in your socks you wouldn't be to high.

    Well maybe afterward. The doctor might give you some morphine

  8. than it would not get you not high would it?
  9. Hmm, your right.

    How about a football to the groin?
    Anyone ever see the simpsons episode? Quite funny I might say.

  11. how do you not get high by smoking 3 or 4 bowls?? answer that!

  12. Why would you want to knwo how to not get high?

  13. It was supposed to be a trick question
  14. how not to get high...

    visit a retirement home,

    go to school,

    get a job(not as a drug dealer)

    brush ur teeth

    last but not least

    shave ur armpits,

    oh yea, time to get deerty up in heerre
  15. if u really didnt want to get high u could seal urself in a bioroom thingie and sit in the corner rocking till u run out of oxygen and die

  16. yes YOU could, ahahahaha im so funny

  17. dude you suck lol, im gonna kick yuor asss next time u come on my xbox :p

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