How to make my parents accepting of pot

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Austin1289, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Both of my parents just found out that I smoke pot. They're extremely against It and I need suggestions how to convince them that it isn't as bad as the media says. Statistics would be useful and if you could copy and paste the website u found the info from that'd be great. Just wish they were more accepting of my decisions made.
  2. tell them you want family movie night and pick a pro cannabis film like....what if cannabis cured cancer or the union

    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather,not screaming in terror like his passengers
  3. How old are you again?
  4. Pack a bowl and offer it to your mom. No source or movie can substitute for weed itself
  5. My parents found out i smoked pot when i was 16.. started at 15.. gave me shit for years.. im 22 now .. anyway they eventually stopped.. still say b.s things somtimes but know they can't do anything about it.. which is stupid b/c they still smoke once in a while too :huh:
    but anyway they know I am bi-polar.. and it helps keep me relaxed and eases up my depression, keeps me motivated most of the time.. so i mean tell them it helps keep you happy and explain why maybe? sorry i smoked alot and seem to be rambling :bongin:
  6. start masturbating in the kitchen, they'll forget all about you smoking weed
  7. its not gonna happen. they dont want you getting arrested and having a criminal record at a young age which is reasonable.

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  8. Man I'm 18 and my parents caught me when I was 17. Ever sinice I got caught I've tried to convince them. First agressively then slowly and subtly. It won't work. If they have a certain mindset they will be blind to any facts you try to tell them. They will deny any proof of marijuana being good. It's called belief bias. Where ones opinion on something is so strong that they can't accept anything other than what they believe. It's really shitty, but no matter how hard you try, if your parents are firmly against it then chances are you won the change their mind.
  9. Just hold your dad down and shoot a speed ball into the head of his dick. And next time he says something negative to you about weed just say I'm not taking this from a junkie" and move the fuck out

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  10. Just make sure you're doing productive stuff with your time and hopefully your parents will understand you are able to smoke in moderation and still maintain your priorities.
    or move
  11. I'm 19, I got caught first at 17 and just kept getting caught over and over and I told them I wasn't goona stop, (I live with my mom and my stepdad) they just don't like me smoking in the house now, so just keep smoking and bring positives up subtly in conversations and eventually they'll just accept it.. or mine did at least

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  12. Lol WHAT
  13. They will only see and hear what they WANT to.

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  14. .

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  15. You're not gonna make them change their minds. I'd say just keep it on the DL. Take care of your shit, and it'll be whatever.

    They don't think I still smoke, but my mom actually suggested that I use "small bits of marijuana" to help me quit smoking cigarettes the other day. It was kind of hilarious.
  16. my parents are super against marijuana too.
    strangely enough, when I told them I was starting a business that's a marijuana website, they embraced it like it was their long lost son.
    so...start a (legit) marijuana business? haha.
  17. [​IMG]
  18. .
    Love the Akbar.

    Lol, I'm waaaaay past caring what my folks think. And they're way past caring what I do.

    They've actually been pretty pro-pot since my uncle used it and beat cancer. Shoot, my grandma even smokes.
  19. If you have a sister lie and say she's will take the focus off of you, for awhile at least.
  20. Bake a cake with some potent cannabutter in it and sneakily put it inside their fridge. The odds are that they will eat some.  "Why are your eyes so red mum?!" :lol:
    Really though, if your parents are as stubborn as mine, they'll be damn hard (if not impossible) to convince. I've managed to convince my mum that weed is relatively harmless compared to other drugs and that it doesn't permanently damage the brain. Having accepted these important points, she still insists it is 'harmful' to me; in what way she chooses not to elaborate... :confused_2:

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