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How to make canaoil in the oven?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Purpleface, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. I have about an oz that I want to make in the oven in a Pyrex dish with 2/3 to a cup of oil. My main question is how long and at what temp should I set this at?
  2. You can check the length on BadKat's thread, but I wouldn't go a degree over 220F unless you're looking for a heavy couchlock. Anything over that temperature and the thc and other active ingredients begin to degrade. BadKat's guide has specifics on time and temp. Happy Cooking!

  3. You haven't read the stickied threads yet, have you... :p :)

    All of the below tutorials cover different methods and techniques (using the oven) to achieve a wide variety of sensations
    all from the same herb, depending on the length and quality of its heat exposure. :hello:

    Be sure you're using a decent oil source, and not one that should be avoided...

    Common oils that are less efficient at both breaking down, and promoting the absorption of cannabis glandular
    material, are: corn, canola, soy oil (not to be confused with soy lecithin), peanut oil, lard, crisco, and to a lesser extent
    olive oil, which can work well for specific rare people with dysfunctional livers, and for patients who can't eat and
    haven't had a meal for many hours before taking their 'medible' (where olive oil is primarily absorbed lymphatically,
    bypassing a 'too hungry' liver). These are LCT/long-chain oils.

    A quality oil source is important, because any material that is absorbed lymphatically, does not benefit
    from the conversion that takes in the liver, where sated enzymes can cause the formation of the more powerful
    11-OH-THC, from D9THC.
    When that conversion can occurs, you're in for a MUCH more powerful experience, and a dramatically
    extended duration.

    Ideal oil sources are; coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and to a slightly lesser extent, clarified butter (ie. butter that has
    had its water content and milk solids removed).

    These oil sources contain MCTs, or medium-chain triglycerides, which are rapidly and easily absorbed via the portal
    vein and liver, without even requiring the aid of bile salts! :hello:

    And the tutorials...

    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Canna Oil

    Med-Grade Canna Oil


    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Hash Oil (same as capsule recipe, oil can also be used for cooking)

    Med-Grade Hash Oil


    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Cannabis Concentrate (Edible & Smokable recipes included... similar to BHO, but made with food grade/drinking alcohol)

    -Medical Grade Cannabis Concentrate-


    With a pure oil source, you can extract so efficiently that your oil becomes so dense with activated glandular material
    that it's almost black, but when looking at the resulting foam from straining, with light passing through it, you can see
    that it is a primarily golden amber color.


    Good oil does not need to taste very, or even at all green, and even this dark it can produce golden cakes and edibles!

    It should taste a bit like a hash-y vapor hit (and that's if it's even detectable). :)



    Even this slightly 'green'-tinted oil (possibly due either to a to-hasty decarb of the flowers/bud, or due to some potential
    inert plant matter contained in the additional dry-sift hash oil that was added to the mix) still bakes up virtually flavorless,
    and bright white-yellow in a vanilla cupcake. :)



    - A good edible leaves a patient wondering, after they ate it, whether or not it even contained any herb.... At least until
    20 - 30 minutes later, when the effects start to kick in. [​IMG]

    - And alternately... all too often, the greenest and nastiest tasting edibles, will do nothing at all. :(

    Sometimes, with the wrong methods, people wind up extracting more inert plant matter, and little to none of the potent
    glandular material we're actually looking for! [​IMG]

    The last tutorial I linked for you above, goes into more detail concerning the conversion and formation of additional
    cannabinoids beyond simple decarboxylation, or activation, giving examples (in five very basic 'degrees') of the effects
    provided by either limiting, or extending the process.

    The effects you achieve from an edible both medicinally, and recreationally, are still very strain dependent, but by tweaking
    the length of heat exposure you have easily accessible options if on one hand you want a somewhat more cerebral
    experience, and if you require more narcotic/sedative effects, all from the same material. :yay:

    Anyhow, that was probably a lot more than you wanted to know just yet.. Sorry about that! :p

    PS - Don't forget... with the right processing, edibles can provide MUCH stronger and longer-lasting sensations, from less herb
    than you'd usually smoke in a session (or
    in a day, if you're a regular/heavy toker). So be careful not to dose your edibles individually with more than you need to.

    Good luck, and have fun! :wave:

  4. I just made some, putting a Gram or two in a muffin cup, pour oil to cover it by about a centimeter, cover with foil, bake at 335 for 25-30 minutes.

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