Hello guys, I'm back again with another issue and it might look silly but it's genuine. Actually, I was a chain smoker and I had a habit of continuous smoking and without a doubt, it effects my physical health badly. With the help of my friend kelly rickert, I stop or you can say lower the amount of smoking but still using vapes. My weight is increased dramatically within last seven months and I can't believe that how this happened, so I decided to lose it and asking a question that is waist trainers are good to use? If anyone has experienced with it, pls share the pros and cons. Cheers,
Waist trainers wont make you lose your stomach. Best thing is to change your diet, and monitor calories. Give up the junk except for maybe 1 junk meal per week. But for many that leads to backsliding. Avoid simple carbs. Look into the Mediterranean diet. Eats lots of leafy greens, and lean protein. Count calories. Try and get at least 30 grams of fiber a day. Drink .5oz-1oz of clean water for each lb of bodyweight and according to how hot it is. The hotter it is, and when exercising, the intake would be on the higher end of the scale. How Much Water Do You Need? Can You Drink Too Much? - WebMD www.webmd.com/diet/features/water-for-weight-loss-diet It would be great to get a regular exercise program going. Even 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Walking and stretching would be a good start. Weight training is also good. 3x a week. But get moving, even if just walking. Remember a little goes a long way.
Okay alright, I got your point but why there's much publicity of it if these are useless or not helps a lot in losin weight?
There's lots of publicity from a lot of advertising dollars. Go ahead and buy a waist trainer and give your opinion on whether they help.
Self Control. Sounds simple but it really is a bitch. You know what the damn problem is. To much food going in for the amount of work your body does. You bum X number of calories a day just existing as a lump. Your exceeding it. Stop..... Kicking Cigarettes took 2 full years before the craving finally stopped for good. Food ehhhhh skip that tiny bit more cereal for breakfast. Skip the 2nd burrito at lunch. Stop going back for 2nds at dinner. Let little changes over time do the job. It doesn't take a huge change. It DOES take "Self Control"
Everyone wants a quick fix. Especially in a pill. Why does any company make unsubstantiated claims??? Because they can.
If YOU don't do the heavy lifting & make LASTING changes, NO pill/surgery/gimmick will last for the long run. Been there done that. Down #65 lbs since covid here w/o gimmicks, just fairly simple choices/changes. good luck. PS LA Confidential don't give us the muchies.
One of the reasons might be that you've replaced cigs with snacks, haven't you? If so, try to avoid any added sugar, sodas as mentioned before, better go for fruits, and try to avoid junk food. As for the loss of weight & waist, this info would be definitely useful for you. But remember, focusing on one part is not the best way to lose weight. Exercising plus diet should go together.
Best exercise for losing weight is a “push-away”: push-away sweets, push-away seconds, and push-away the plate or bowl whilst you’re yet hungry… Costs nothing, no meal planning or special diet required, has been proven to work across thousands of years… This could be called the: “Eat Less and You'll Weigh Less Diet", or, "Don't Put Anything in Your Mouth Today, You Don't Want to Find on Your Ass Tomorrow Diet"…
the only way i gave up smoking cigarettes .is when i went in hospital for a quad By Pass ,then found out i had ulcers in my stomach etc ..last a lot of weight now i dont smoke baccy and watch what i eat etc ,,,,23 years later i an still here ,so cut down eating if you want to loose weight ,you dont have too have some fancy diet cut the food ..and i still smoke weed ,,mac, ps sorry if its a bit a=of a rambling post slightly stoned ,,,mac,,,
Lots of good advice in here. I will add one more thing that I didn't see. Try fasting. Whether intermittent or extended, fasting has tremendous benefits. It can be difficult, but you'll thank yourself. For what it's worth, cannabis can help make a fast more tolerable - at least that's my experience. I know a lot of people say they get the munchies. I definitely enjoy food more after smoking but if my intention is to fast, then the ganja helps me get through it.
My doctor suggests fasting for 12 hours overnight and I definitely find it helpful but not that easy to do! There's always a reason to eat late at night, lol. I think what has helped me more than anything is to stop eating when I've had enough and not eat when I'm not hungry. That said I am dealing with some issues right now and my appetite is affected. I can always eat a Kind Bar, but don't always have the appetite for healthy foods.
I eat supper at 5PM and breakfast at 8AM,,, extremely rare that I eat anything between those two times…
i smoked 30 years and layed down the cigs myself, when i did in 6 months gained a hundred pounds. problem is when you stop smoking you replace with snacks from boredom, there also the use of your hands that become a problem . i combat it with a simple but not so easy task that made serious improvements. i simply replaced the snacks and started finding anything i could do to keep my hands busy and my mind solving puzzles . working working and more working, mow lawns mate, works every muscle the body has , so then you have a reg job , then mow lawns and if you still got spunk left shoot some hoops. sooner than later you will be so dang tired you want even think about the cigs or the food for a rescue
AGREE IDLE HANDS ARE THE DEVILS WORKSHOP! A simple crossword puzzle can help, ANYTHING to occupy the hands. Sex is very aerobic. Sex with someone else is even better.