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How to loose weight,feel really GREAT!!!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by nilram04, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. MJ will be accepted and finally legalized. You will tell future generations of pot smokers that you remember when cannabis was so misunderstood. But we're gaining traction. The genie is being released slowly.

    Marijuana is a perfectly healthy substitution for other intoxicants including the most deadly: alcohol. However you look at it, at the very beginin,that beer is a sandwich in a can. (Don't let it catch up to you) At it worst, it can drive some to the brink of death. And yet it can be found EVERYWHERE.

    If you are having trouble with drinking too much, get off the crazy train before you are telling your story to a room full of ex-drinkers. If you are struggling to loose weight, get off the booze for a period of time, maybe a month or two. "Yeah but, I'm no alky" you may say. Fine. Abstince should be a breeze. Hit the MJ extra hard. It may cost you a little more, but its still cheaper than booze in the near run. And I can say with certanity that it wont hurt you physically.

    And about the munchies. Eat well before you smoke out. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy low carb snacks. (Pork rinds and beef jerky have no carbs and tons of protien, by-the-way!) Finally, resist the urge. Nobody said loosing wieght is easy, but it can be done.

    I walk around the block almost everyday, eat low carb and drink plenty of h2o.

    I dropped 100 lbs in one year.

    Almost two years later, its still off. And I don't suffer well. And all of this is happening at age 38. At 36 I weighed 317 pounds. Now I fluxuate around 220.

    I'm an active member of AA. And its a shame that I cannot share this part of my strength, experience and hope with my brothers in recovery. I'd be blackballed and ostresized. So I just have to share this with you guys and gals.

    I would rather attract people to this realization than trying to promote it.

    Fuck the established thinking on drugs AND alcohol. Alcohol is an unsafe drug. Ditto for ciggarettes. Give me my buds and live life to the fullest, with no regrets!

    Hey, thanks for letting me share that with you!
  2. nicely done sir.
  3. Very good post.
  4. Hey the weed diet worked for me!

    I dropped 40 Lbs in 6 Months by smoking all the time, and eating low carb foods, or lots of rice.

    I do think MJ has something to do with speeding up your metabolic rate!

    And for anyone looking to loose weight, reevaluate your diet and stop drinking soda!

    Just resist that "omg bash munch much much" feeling you may get.

    I was 181, got to around 137 (I'm 5'9")

    I put on some weight because I stopped smoking so much, and stopped riding my bike all the time, so I'm 150 ish now
  5. Congratulations man!! I think that is just amazing that marijuana is what helped you get through your tough battle. Keep up the good work and keep spreading the word on the things people can achieve if they take advantage of all the benefits of marijuana.
  6. Good for you bro. Good for you.

    might I make a suggestion?

    take up the incredible sport of off-road cycling.

    It's so fun to do while blazed. Nothing beats the rush of tearing thru the woods at 20+ mph while your just feet from a 30 foot sheer drop into a creek...

    great stuff.
  7. ohhh yea man soda is horrible for you when I used to play ball and lift weights soda was mega taboo it stunts your muscle regeneration and doesn't hydrate you for shit and actually makes you more dehydrated.
  8. i dropped 40 pounds in 3 months my freshman year of college. i went from 230 to 190.
  9. Nice post man. Congrats.
  10. Thanks, nilram04! <---See what I did there?

    I'm an active member of AA too. Luckily, around here more than a few members are potheads. As long as you're staying away from alcohol and hard drugs, nobody will give you shit.
    Congrats on losing all that weight! :hello:
  11. It's "lose." Sorry but that's a pet peeve of mine. I don't normally care about any other spelling mistakes.
  12. ya this has hindered me more than help me...

    im 6'1 and 133 lbs ever since i started smoking heavily
    my ribs poke out mad its creepy
    and i literally eat all afternoon and dont gain more than 5lbs
  13. Same. I munch every day and never gain any weight. I've been about 140 lbs for 5 years.
  14. i want to steal ur sig but im afraid ull shoot me with ur avatar
  15. Congrats on the weight loss, that must feel good to get that extra stuff off of you.
  16. No joke I was about to quit smoking because of the munchies and what not making me put on the extra pounds. Looks like I got a good enough reason to keep on smokin' tho hahaha awesome thread.
  17. Nice job.

    I need to gain weight.
  18. smoked every day for a month, gained 14 pounds. Gained 27 last year in total, but lost about 10 of it. Weed doesn't help w/ dieting. I've only been able to lose weight since I stopped blazing. If you reallyyyy want to lose weight, start smoking ciggs and snorting blow. :wave:
  19. That's awesome, man! Congrats! I've never been big on alcohol, but I know that weed has definitely helped a lot of my friends with alcoholism. Personally it was the weed diet that did it for me, too!! I lost 50 pounds in a year, from 180 to 130. I discovered my vast love of fruit! Juicy, fresh fruit makes better munchies than a bag of Bettermade (most of the time...there's always room for that occasional, 33 cent bag of bbq chips!)

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