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How to inhale a joint?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by stephes123, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. Find myself coughing almost the whole time and wasting a lotta weed when I smoke em... How do you inhale them
  2. You just have to inhale the burning smoke. You get used to it after a while, but it would be much healthier and effective to use a vaporizer. Especially if you hate the burning sensation of smoking.
  3. Just like breathing through a straw but in small turns, then suck in some fresh air and hold for like 3 seconds and exhale.
  4. I literally smoked for the first time today so take this with a grain of salt. But I just filled my mouth with smoke and inhaled air, the air forces the smoke into your lungs. And I did not cough once.
  5. Little tip that helped my new-to-toking friends: take a pull, and then breathe in air until your chest expands in front of you. Then when you get the hang of it you'll be able to take natural pulls
  6. Just breathe in like you're sucking through a straw; kind of like a medium-force inhalation I guess? Inhale it, hold, breathe out.
  7. You inhale it just like regular air, man. With your lungs...
  8. I really dont think a single person who answered really understood his question. Or maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think he means he doesnt understand the obvious very basic how do I smoke weed through a joint. He doesn't need to be told "put up to your mouth, inhale like a straw, exhale". I think he means how do you smoke out of a joint without coughing to death, because I have the same problem. I usually smoke out of my bong and its fine, but anytime I roll one the hits I take hurt so much more and make me cough so much more. And yet some people still take massive hits like its nothing.

  9. try this

  10. Everyone coughs is the thing you can't stop it, just getting more used to inhaling smoke into your lungs is the only way i could tell you to not cough as much and inhale some air after you take a hit and hold it in.
  11. keep coughing it makes people laugh
  12. Inhale then leave smoke in your lungs and then inhale fresh air so the thc gets absorbed.
  13. "how to inhale joint"

    i would imagine it would be like the same concept as breathing in air except you kind of want to wrap the outside of your lips around the joint so you dont """"""er lip it

    but thats just my guess...
  14. Take your hit, breathe in as your chest expands, hold for 3 seconds, exhale.

    Its fucking easy.:smoke:
  15. To stop you from coughing, don't take as big hits.. I've smoked with this guy I know once and he takes the bigggggessst hits ever then wonders why he coughs his lungs up.
  16. Ghost hits are your friend
  17. One thing I do to reduce stress on the lungs is, not make a tight seal around the joint. Make it so if you were looking from your tonsils, it would look like an eyeball kinda. The round joint in the center, and slight openings on each side. But don't have the openings too big, or you won't really get any smoke. Don't know if that makes sense. :smoke::smoke:

    And make sure you get air in your lungs/esophagus before blowing it back out. Like your throat is a bong. Gotta clear it. I've seen a lot of people cough/swallow smoke/drool/vomit like that. lol
  18. It may sound unintuitive but like lilro's second point, make sure you inhale the smoke deeper and this will make you cough less (might still take a bit of getting used to though)

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