How to grind dry booms

Discussion in 'General' started by drwho, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. how can i grind my dry booms? really well? with out a ganja grinder?
  2. blender, scisors,
  3. scissors + shotglass
  4. coffee grinder
  5. any way to get them way powdery i dont have a coffe ginder
  6. rub them between your hands for a longtime, may i ask why powdery
  7. Rub it between sand paper?

    Haha what? busted up isnt good enough?
  8. no u cant ask!

    i just want them in a milk shake nice and tasty
  9. A mortar and pestle, but I'm guessing you don't have one of those. :laughing:


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