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How to get zooted?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hurb1, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. You are talking about tripping. That doesn't happen with marijuana. You need some other drug.
  2. Zooted? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard
  3. Dude that's awesome, I'm gonna use that! I am SO zonplastercated right now! :hello:
  4. Disagree. It's happened to me on pot. (And it was medical pot, totally unlaced.) You just have to either have a low tolerance like me, smoke a lot, or get the right strain I guess. Either way it definitely DOES happen for some people.[​IMG]
  5. This threads to long to read now, I'm going to go get zooted.

  6. Dude you can not say your answer was not provided, i fucking told you, like 5 times now, to go get some god damn hash oil, get a skillet slide, rip it down, and get so high, you wont even be able to tell us how high you were. Your acting like a 5 year old, not listening to the answer given to you..... saying we are all acting stupid, yea you came asking how to get higher than a level of high you have been, smoke more, is the obvious answer, you denied it, someone said smoke a buncha kief, you said it didnt work, so shut up, get some hash oil, and do what i said, or fucking get over the fact, that you dont like my idea, which will get you super fucking high, and go home.
  7. Dude i got so fucking zonplastercated last night it was off the houser, i was chainin my frizzles and ringing the dangers all over those porkheads........ This is what the word zooted, makes me feel like.
  8. Sober Lol'd
    + Rep
  9. EXHIBIT A....

    high>:yay: ( usually i experience this)

    stoned> [​IMG] ( no matter how much i smoke i cant get past this point)

    zooted>:hippie: ( this is the goal i wish to achieve.)

    My image chart is visual proof and clearly shown that you are mistaken...

    Now to those who deny that there is a difference you simply have not been paying attention to other peoples experiences. Now i expect to hear no further nonsense from the peanut gallery.

    Again ive told you i dont have hash and that it is not necessary to achieving the state of being zooted. (Ive done a fair amount of research into this phenomenon already) Just because you have achieved "zootage" by smoking hash and sitting on an elephant in alaska doesnt mean that its necessary to repeat this ritual. Remember you are just one person. Its been well documented that one can and will achieve this state by simply smoking of the thc laden plant material. This leads me to belive that there is a smoking technique or a meditative practice or somthing that im missing....Its somthing that you guys will just not reveal to me for some reason and i think thats pretty messed up since i thought this place was for helping eachother as stoners because we are all we got man.:(

  10. I'm going to once again retort, I have never achieved a zoot level of anything, i already said i dont get zooted, because the word is fucking retarded. I however (unlike you) can get higher than i already am, by smoking more, you, clearly dont know how to smoke weed, if you cant continue to get higher and higher, by smoking more.... Zooted is NOT just 1 level, its when YOU decide you are there, one can not tell another what they will need to get zooted necessarily, however, there are ways to guarantee you are super high, like smoking a lot of weed/ hash oil/ or eating edibles.... jesus christ man, you think we are the dumb ones... you seriously have 15 times to get higher....use whatever you have left of your brain and accept the fact you are failing at getting higher, because YOU are doing something wrong, its not something we can tell you. And i will again finish on this, regardless of what your friends have said and what you have heard, being zooted is still defined as being so high/drunk all you can say is your zooted, its not even how high you are. I know people who would be that high, after a bowl, and i know some who wouldnt be that high after multiple gram of oil.... its fucking personal, you could have spent all this time smoking and probably have gotten to the level you wanted lol.
  11. Lets go back to my image chart..Id like to point out your mistake....(To the rest of the naysayers please take note once and for all)



    stoned> [​IMG]


    This is the problem. You are trying to give advice about something you have never experienced.

    You are saying you have achieved:[​IMG]

    You say by smoking more you achieve: [​IMG][​IMG]+
    Right, and so do i...
    The thing is i am not asking how to get high or higher...

    Please refer back to my chart and you will see the difference between [​IMG] & [​IMG]
  12. What i said is i do not coin it as being zooted, i have gotten way higher than whatever you would consider being zooted. You clearly haven't.... I also dont measure my high in different smiley faces, i measure it in how fucking high i am.... I am giving you advice to get you above a level of zoot, you are clearly either, a troll, or a fail, and i mean... you did make a thread asking if the reason certain figures you have witnessed such a bob marley, cover their mouths after taking a hit, and you were asking mainly because you thought it pushed the cannabinoids further into your lungs... i mean, come one that could easaily have been a troll as well, or are you just good at asking stupid questions?
  13. #73 brebal, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    do other drugs

    there's no specific way to get an insane, mind blowing high high where you see shit every time (or what you insist on referring to as being "zooted"...) besides being sick and dehydrated

    you just need better weed, the nicest bong/vape/whatever you like, and you can get as high as possible

    but I don't think you'll trip the fuck out every time from weed, that's not what marijuana's all about though! I at least like the smoke to be relaxing, not making me shit myself from crazy visuals

  14. Nah man thats wrong to dig up demons from the past. I was but a fool back then. Lets stick to the topic at hand. Ya got beef with me lets solve it on the field. Dont go bringing my family into this or irrelevant data about me that is not furthering our understanding of the illusive state of achiveing zoot. Please do not contaminate my thread.You know what i mean..Im just trying to be civilized and find answers and im not trying to pick bones with you. Think of all the others out there who this thread will help, there are many questioning minds out there. Im not the only one so dont hate me just because im the one to inquire about it. Thanks:wave:

  15. And as i have claimed before, i wasn't trying to argue, a long time ago, but you continued to rebut what i said, which is that, your thread title is pretty much translated to this "how do i get higher than i have ever been" to which none of us can clearly direct you an answer, because you have rejected everything we gave you. I highly doubt if you sat, and smoked bowl after bowl after bowl, for 6 hours, that you wouldn't achieve the state of high, which you seem to find elusive. You have said no amount of bud, or kief has gotten you to the level you want, i gave you an option that would, you can't get hash oil, so grow up and make some..... Its easy as pie. Maybe YOU should work to achieve this level you so much seek to alleviate your brain with. Not us
  16. Im sad to say that i read this whole thread... Even though sirsog gave you the answer to get "zooted", i have another suggestion since you dont have access to hash oil. Vape ALOT of weed/keif/hash and you should be able to achieve being zooted or so i have heard. Still waiting on my MFLB so I dont have personal experience to back this up. But i dont plan on getting zooted cuz thats the dumbest fucking term i have ever heard.

    I DO PLAN on getting high as fuck:devious:

    Oh and btw i really do think the OP is a troll:mad:

  17. Ive been hittin my MFLB all morning man, you made a good purchase and i have a feeling the OP would claim the vape high isnt "enough" for them, they seem to think zooted is some god like version of high where you leap into some stellar change.... its called, getting super high, its not like a dimensional shift lol!!!!
  18. Yea, I live in Utah and ordered the MFLB on Saturday so it should be here today. Mail usually comes in the next hour and if it doesn't show up today im going to be pretty sad:cry:

    How long did the shipping take for you?
  19. wasnt too long, ordered on a thurs and it came on a saturday
  20. #80 Immeco, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    :mad: Successful troll is successful.

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