im never happy, i cant even smoke anymore, cause all it does is bring me down, everything brings me down. and i dont understand why i hate every singe thing in this world. espically my self. i dunno. someone give me advice or something you did, when you feel like how i am now.
Ask what it is you don't like about yourself, and then honestly think about it for a while and how you'd change things. It's easy to hate everything else though. Can't help you with that.
First off life is short, why be depressed about it, you need to first learn to like yourself, do things you enjoy, set goals that are within reach, don't hang around negative people. I stopped smoking, not by choice, and I went from being depressed thinking it was just who I am, to really enjoying life. One thing that will undoubtedly make you happy is exercise, its something that releases stress and makes you feel good, find what works for you and commit to a new way of living in which your happy.
Normally when I'm feeling the blues I try and do something new and productive, sometimes I'll even volunteer. Aside from that I make sure that I'm getting a decent amount of exercise, eating healthy, treating myself to something that I haven't had in a while. Spending time in the sun when it's nice outside seems to make me feel really good too. Sometimes I have to shove the cats over from the sun beam to catch a few rays through the window/glass door from the inside. It seems that when I get down is between jobs, I'm a busy bee I need to be doing something to keep myself occupied. As soon as I become couch ridden lost in movies and tv series I slowly spiral into a slump, but as soon as I get back to work it goes away.
stop being a little bitch and appreciate what u have? COmpletely inappropriate and not tolerated here - WW
[quote name='"kushmonsta"']stop being a little bitch and appreciate what u have?[/quote] You can realize that some people suffer from depression and come to sites like this to vent and feel accepted no matter what. And when people like you say things like that it makes them feel worse and gives the city a bad name.
[quote name='"wateredwun"']Don't go to a doctor and get medication, I wouldn't recommend psyche mess to my worst enemy[/quote] Well you do realize medication should be a last resort unless your life is in danger (suicide, medical emergencys, etc.) Right? THERAPY my friends. Will change your life
Meds not mess, and yes ive been through therapy and its nice to talk to people that have no bias opinion towards you or your situation. Meditation, if youth into that kind of thing worked well for myself also, and mushrooms, no joke. Zero tolerance for discussion or mentioning other drugs on GC - WW
[quote name='"wateredwun"']Meds not mess, and yes ive been through therapy and its nice to talk to people that have no bias opinion towards you or your situation. Meditation, if youth into that kind of thing worked well for myself also, and mushrooms, no joke.[/quote] Oh my goodness! I forgot shrooms! Thanks Gotta be a little ok with it though. Idk if you get what I mean xD. Other drugs are not a topic for discussion on GC - WW
Shrooms are a fantastic way to understand your but a small ant in a big world and no matter what your going through, life goes on. Insert bill hicks jokes. Again, we do not allow discussion of other drugs here - WW
i know that when you get upset you kinda see red and stop thinking clearly. However, if you can, perhaps focus on WHY everything sucks, and see if theres anything you can actually do to change the situation.
Life is short brah, just really think and try to figure out why you are so down If you can't change the situation, don't let it get to you. Really appreciate and be thankful for everything you have been blessed with in this life. (you being alive, breathing, being able to see, etc.) Don't take anything for granted, approach everything optimistic and with a confident outlook. As mentioned, working out/exercise does the mind wonders. Endorphins are released and you just feel incredible. Mix that in with your positive outlook and you're set.. I post this out of experience.. I was really down after a knee surgery back in '10. Everything was looking glumm and I was REALLY down for a month. My mother and I had a talk one night because she was concerned about me. After a long talk we managed to pinpoint what was bothering me and set up a plan of attack to change things around. I came out of my knee surgery swinging! I am now an EXTREMELY confident, positive person thanks to taking control of my thoughts and my mindset.
Been there man, sounds like you have a bit of depression. What REALLY cures that feeling is getting out, you need a new start man, get a new hobby meet new people. The same old will really bring you down.