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how to get medical card?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by MarijuWANNA?, Sep 5, 2008.

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  1. I would like to know a list of some Bay area doctors. I live in SF, and i could really use the help in finding a doc.
  2. Let me walk you through it, kids.

    1) Ask your regular doctor. He CAN give you a recommendation, but likely won't- even if you show up with a dozen studies from my list (the link below) that support your usage (do it anyway- he needs the education!). When he refuses, ask for a copy of your medical records. (Mine took about 2 weeks to arrive in the mail.)

    2) Check out NORML's list of "friendly" doctors in California. Call around since prices vary. Make your appointment. Scrape together the money.

    3) Walk in with your records, any prescription pills you are taking, and the cash.

    4) Get a "quickie" medical exam and a pot lecture. Pay the receptionist and she hands you a letter. Walk out legal. Be SURE that the doc has put HOW MUCH you may use per month and how many plants you may grow. Don't leave until he does! The law is in flux now and having the numbers may save you some big hassles later!

    5) Cards-
    County cards- NOT NECESSARY! All you need is the doctor's note to be legal. A card may be noted on your driver's license in some counties, not all. I don't trust my local government, so I don't have a county card- and they don't issue them in my county anyway! :cool:

    Club/dispensary cards- good ONLY at the club/dispensary it was issued at. NOT on driver's license, anywhere.

    Granny :wave:
  3. Do you need medical records? I haven't had health insurance for a long time and I don't even know where I'd go for them.

  4. I currently live and Texas and will be going to San Fran soon for college, so I should get my medical records from my regular Texan doctor anyways, right? I'm planning on saying insomnia.
  5. Go to your old doctor/hospital, and ask for your medical records. Fortunately for me, my dad kept all my medical records on file since I was a kid, so I just went to him.

    Yeah, make sure to grab all the medical records from your regular doctor before heading out this way.
  6. hey everyone. im in west wa state, i got out of marines and got hurt and been looking to get my card. i have so many reasons why im sure it wont be a problem, but does anyone have any good doctors or places to go in my area pleace let me know. thanks

  7. FOR SURE, also if you have a card in this state there is no limit whatsoever of the amount of weed you have on you. Its a great state, for the cannabis community.

    and ya it can be a mestimeanor if you get caught, but no arrest.
  8. Man some of you dont realise how lucky you are. or maybe you do? Shit im 18 and had perfect health all my life ( funny cuz i eat junk food on the regular, and other un healthy crap) and on top of that I live in VA... Im about to say fuck it and move to Canada or something lol.
  9. got mine:hello::D:smoking:
  10. gac78377129=geographical airea crucial.I live in Ore.can help.Get a list for quilifing conditions.I have cronic pain.And persitant frequint headaches I woul belive could fall in that cat.IF ur ore res. the HEMP FOUNDATION in Portland wear I went thru to optian my OMMP Card.
  11. how much does medical usually cost without insurance?

    and if you have insurance will it cover most of it?
  12. ok i live in michigan witch has just been passed as most know.

    i have really bad pains in my knees my doctor said it could be a mild case of artheritis. and ever sience i started smoking weed my knees are able to function more properly and they don't hurt to much.

    for this can i get a card?

    and im sure i will have to be 18 first right?
  13. I noticed Rhode Island is one of the states listed for Medical MJ usage. But whoever did listed all the details for every state but RI. :rolleyes: Does anyone know about how to get a medical card in RI or any doctors that would have an easier time giving them out. I suffer from depression & OCD for the past 10 years. Ive experienced a lot of anxiety and stress over the years from family who couldn't understand what I was going through. I have no money or income and has been this way for the past 3 years. I dont work cause I can never hold a job cause I cant deal with people. However pot helps w/ my anxiety and Im more out going. I can not only deal with large groups of people aka parties :D it releives stress too.

    Do you need money to buy this stuff once you get the medical card like a prescription or is it free?:confused:
  14. In Cali. It's pretty much whatever ails you. If you smoke pot and it helps you sleep, relieves stress, manages pain, etc., then you should be able to get a MMJ note. They have pills for all of these ailments so why not use pot if it works. Of course, some doctors are more lenient then others, just like when prescribing pills. You can find lists of MMJ doctors online.
  15. you need to be 18 to post here buddy.

  16. yea i know how you feel im goin to canada in september to chill for a couple weeks and im thinking about just moving up there lol
  17. Well, I wouldn't consider it lucky to have some sort of medical problems that cause us to turn to alternative methods to ease our pain and suffering.

    However, some of us DO understand how privileged that we are to live in areas where the populace is enlightened and a lot of people worked very, very hard to get the laws passed that allow us to go purchase our meds in a safe and accessible environment.

    Which is why we're so adamant about keeping it safe and accesible for those who need MMJ. Do I believe that everyone can be helped by using MMJ? Yes I do, BUT, I also believe that those who need it the most need to be able to get it the easiest. I'm perfectly fine subsidizing meds for those who can't afford it because of disabilities. I only purchase meds from clubs that are giving back to the community, and I'm very, very loyal to those clubs. I'm active to a point in the movement as well - no I don't go to protests because I am a parent and CPS has been known to go after MMJ parents and take their children, so I keep a low profile.


    If you're saying that we're lucky to be able to get legal weed and toke it up whenever we want, then you have no idea what the MMJ community is all about, and you need to keep out of it. Or educate yourself.

    If you're so upset that your area doesn't have MMJ, then educate yourself and your community about MMJ and get the laws changed. A handful of folks did that over a decade ago in California and other states have followed ever since. BUT it takes work on your part. Sure, it's easier to move to Canada and invent some fake illness to get your card, but it's not moral or ethical. Do things the right way and Karma will treat you well.
  18. if you want a club card and you tell your doctor you have migraines or something would you actually have to prove it or anything? or will they just take your word for it?
  19. michigan wtf?

    I had no clue about this?
  20. They're just like any other doctor. You can go to a doctor and say you twisted your ankle. Some will give you a script for Codine, Norco, Vicodin, whatever, right off the bat. Others will make you jump through hoops, get xrays, etc. Keep in mind, these drugs are very much harder to get these days because people abuse the system. I hope that doesn't happen with medicinal marijuana.
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