How to get high using your body

Discussion in 'General' started by Towelie., Jan 11, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]
    If you decide to do this it is at your own risk. Please use your brain.
    Maybe useful for if you are out of weed.
    Weed is still my 'high' of choice..    [​IMG]

  2. love how it says (safely) only one that is relatively safe is the last one, and you can still injure yourself doing that.
    i'll stick to weed :bongin: , or nothing at all. i'd rather be sober than do that shit ;)
    nice disclaimer btw :laughing:
  3. They forgot masturbation.
    While choking yourself (at your own risk)
  5. Masturbation is my drug of choice.
  6. maybe if im out of pussy :laughing:  i keep that shit on deck tho ;)
  7. Just ask David Carradine about that. Oh wait...
    Sleep paralysis isn't harmful. But yea, the first two... you're probably just going to end up feeling like shit, not get "high." Whoever wrote that has probably never smoked weed. 
  9. just wikipedia'd that shit. did not know that. [​IMG]
  10. Yeah he's the only celebrity I know that died from it. The only thing I ever saw him in was Lizzie McGuire when I was a kid.
    The craziest part is it was a 73 year old guy who died doing it.
  11. Oxygen deprivation it's cool now

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