How to get a fat hit?

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by Super Man, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. From a glass spoon? I can get good hits, but not I can't sit there and milk it. Can a pipe even be milked? Any secrets of suggestions to get a fat hit from a glass spoon?
  2. either stop being a bitch, or buy a bong
  3. You can't unless you're a dragon
  4. Inhale longer
  5. Hold your thumb on the carb longer lol. I can't believe this is actually a thread.

  6. I wish I could say that... but alllll day, its like kids just sit there and think of the dumbest things to post. OP at least has a question that can be answered... most of them are like:

    Hey guys im a freshmen in higgschool (18 tho) and I have a bag of weed and its like .7 or so, anyways, should I trim my nails before grinding it up? Its mids btw
  7. put the lighter to it.... take a fat hit... and inhale...
  8. Let me see that bong ba bon bon bongggg.

    make a 10 gallon grav bong :cool:

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