How to extend your high

Discussion in 'General' started by stevenchamp54, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. Something i've noticed when I started using hookah, is that when you smoke hookah while you're high it extends the high in my opinion. I would be blowed off my ass, smoke a coal's worth of hookah, and it'd take a lot longer to go on a downfall. Also you get the head high and blowing O rings and stuff is a really fun way to keep you occupied, so there's that too :)

  2. #2 dokc, Dec 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2014
    Stay dark and warm.
  3. drink a cup of coffee
  4. I do love my hookah, have only had a shisha/bud bowl once. It had a vaporization effect cause the coal does not come into contact with the herb and I could def taste the burnt popcorn/orange juice (I personally think vaped weed tastes like spoiled OJ but not in a bad way). I usually do not inhale from the hookah, only when doing a French or ghost inhale (not where u hold in your hit but where u blow it out and inhale the smoke back quickly), but when I did the bud and shisha bowl I inhaled every hit for the duration of the bowl, about 30 minutes after I was done I did get a headache which I NEVER get when smoking just bud or in general
    but I imagine like a 3g bowl of just bud in a hookah would be tight

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