How to escape a dry spell

Discussion in 'General' started by highguy5, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. This past summer I smoked twice a day because I had two reliable dealers with good prices. It's now my senior year of high school (yes, I'm 18) and the two dealers at my school left last week for college. No one has stepped up at my school and started dealing and idk where to find a new guy. I have enough bud left for one bowl and I've been saving it b/c I know that when it's gone, I'm out. My question is: How do you go about finding a new hookup, preferably someone who isn't associated with my school in any way and isn't friends with any people that go to my school? I can always rely on GC for advice. Thanks!
  2. You probably won't try this, but I'll say it anyway.

    Stand outside any gas station or convenience store and wait for someone to walk out with a dutch. Then go up to them and be like "I know this sounds sketchy, but I was wondering if you knew anyone who's good. My boys just moved out of town and I don't know who's good around here."

    I did it on vacation earlier this summer. Ended up following this fat girl back to her house and I got a gram for 20.
  3. How long were you waiting for the big girl with the dutch?
  4. I've found a few of my best connections from spotting deals go down at gas stations. Just keep your eyes open and don't be afraid to ask people. You could also ask those two dealers if they know anyone or if it's possible for you to get their friends number. Someone has weed, you just have to find it.
  5. there is no way no one else at your high school is dealing, you just gotta find em.
  6. Then YOU step up and make some money
  7. i was just about to say, i think we all know how old georgey-boy (johnny depp) would deal with this...
  8. Just start making contacts with people who look like stoners. Weed isn't really all that dificult to find, you just gotta have initiative (which I know for stoners can be difficult;)).
  9. i would stash an ounce so whenever you cant pickup you have a motherfucking ounce waiting to get shmoked.
  10. yo if you try hard enough to find some bud you'll get some.

    it might take a couple months but it's soo worth it :D

  11. This. Unless you have like 100 people in your school it is impossible. Even if you can't find a dealer, you can definitely find other smokers (seriously, this is as simple as going to the place where everybody smokes at lunch). Once you find some, offer to pitch some cash to get in on the session, smoke with them, then after ask them if you can get a hookup. You may have to go through middlemen, but that is better then not having any weed.
  12. just be patient bro. it aint heroin.
  13. Hmm nobody else dealing at your school....

    You could turn this into profit and free smoke

  14. I used to do this in college before I got my card. Whenever one of my dealers graduated or left school, I would always ask if there was anyone they knew they could refer me to.

    It didn't always work, but sometimes it would turn out their roommate or friend was taking over for them.

  15. where in nj was this?
  16. It's sad that I have better access to that then I do MJ. (not that I'd ever use that). Luckily I can be a smart fella every now and then and kept half an O under my bed when my t-breaks over.

    OP look for people who smoke cigarettes. Most smoke weed.
  17. That's just not true
  18. Basically like everyone said here, I just asked my old dealer where I could find some :p

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