How to cleanse tap water?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by PuffDaddy420, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Usually I have been watering my girls with nice clean water from water bottles but I only have about one watering for one plant left and I have two plants. I don't have money as of right now, so how do I go about cleansing tap water of all the chemicals so it is safe to water with?
  2. Fill your containers and let the water sit for at least 24 hours. Most of the harmful chemicals will dissipate away. If you have an air pump for an aquarium you can aerate the water too which will aid in the removal of dangerous ions and will oxygenate your water at the same time.

    Do a quick google search and check out your local annual water reports. As long as the pH isn't too high you should be ok.
  3. Um, no -- only chlorine, other "bad" things in the water stay there.

    OP, you need a water filter. Even a simple filter like Brita. can't afford to buy a bottle of water? You can buy a case of water for less than $5, if you don't have that then you cannot afford a filter and frankly can't afford the electric bill to grow.
  4. My friends would always used distilled water.

    Get a Ph tester too mate!
  5. Refill 2.5 gallon jugs with the rubber tops..its like 30 cents a gallon
  6. ^^see above^^

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