How to clean an antique pipe?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by zrallen, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. So I stumbled across an old antique tobacco pipe, presumably my grandfathers, that I want to smoke out of, but I have to clean it. The bowl is lined with black stuff, that seems to come off when I wipe it. I want it to he safe to smoke out of. Any tips? Ill upload pictures. Also, the bowl is really big, maybe to big? Can I still use it?

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  2. If it's made out of glass and metal I'd just clean it with isopropyl alcohol and salt then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Should be as good as new Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  3. I'm not sure how to clean that. I would try what Deep said and use rubbing alcohol.  You need to find a way though and smoke that thing.  That is one of the coolest pipes I have ever seen.  I think when you get it clean, you should get yourself and a few good buddies to fill that bowl to the top and smoke for a week straight lol. That thing is awesome.
  4. Thats grandpas old opium pipe. Don't clean it what a waste :laughing:

  5. I was worried about what Kronny said. Should I be worried? I've cleaned it and all, but surely ill be okay using it?
  6. Pack that bitch and put the fire to it. it will work fine.
  7. But with it possibly being an old pipe,can I still use it without worry?
  8. [quote name="zrallen" post="19418094" timestamp="1390864972"]But with it possibly being an old pipe,can I still use it without worry?[/quote]If you cleaned it with alcohol anything that was in there is now gone. I wouldn't worry about it. Here's a pipe I cleaned earlier this week ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1390867289.480393.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1390867320.213187.jpg Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum

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