How to become insane

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Perdido, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Look no further, friend!
    This guide, will provide you with all the steps needed to become insane. So stop dressing like a clown and kill people you crazy fuck, cause this is all you'll ever need to know...


    Intro: Understanding

    What does our friend the dictionary say about insanity? ​

    "the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind"
    "utter folly; stupidity"
    "such unsoundness of mind as affects legal responsibility or capacity."

    So, as for starters, we need to derange your mind. We need too make a fool out of you, and hopefully, the result will affect your responsibility and capacity in everyday life.​

    How exciting! :hello:

    Chapter 1: Equipment

    Ever been to an amusement park before? If you have, you'll know they have standards. Height, age, income... ​

    I have good news for you. Insanity have very low standards. All you need is thoughts. No education, no job, no savings, no friends, no family, nothing. Just good ol' thoughts :)

    Assuming you're 18 years old, I think its pretty safe to say that you have devolped your thoughts and a certain degree of intelligence. By this time, chances are that you have learned the wonderfull human language consistent of sounds, words and symbols. ​

    Good. Thats all we need for now. ​

    Chapter 2: Getting it on like donkey kong

    Every crazy fuck needs some passion whether he knows it or not. Lets use another word for passion... Lets call it... Hope. ​

    Hope can only excist in the future. So, if hope excist, time also excist.
    Past, present, future. This, my good sir, will be the foundation of your insanity :wave:

    In order to become insane, you'll need to be an inverstor first. So, like in a game of poker, go all in.
    I cannot stress enough how important your investment is!!!
    Invest your happiness and everything that comes along with it - comfort, security, joy and peace... Your investment is the very drive towards the future.
    The more you invest, the more you have to look forward to! Expectations and excitment is slowly building up by now. ​

    The future is something you can look forward too, a place where you can harvest your investment. You have placed an investment consistent of x1 happiness in the future. In other words: you hope to become happy one day. ​

    The next step is pretty easy but requires time. In order to be insane you cannot know that you are insane. If you knew, you wouldn't be insane silly. So, we need to confuse that pretty head of yours. ​

    I have a great practice for this: Its called thinking. Do it nonstop. Think all day, sleep, rince and repeat. Live your everyday life, but, dont ever loose sight of the future. If you run out of things to think off, dont worry. Supplies aint no problem: Just think about the past - regrets, guilt, dissappointment, feelings, denial. Keep the past as baggage in your journey. Its a handy tool and only requires some memory. No biggie. ​

    After some time, the thinking state becomes a habbit. You are running on autopilot and dont have to take responsibilty for your actions. Excuses, justification and blaming: These will the replacements. ​

    Chapter 3: Dosage and usage

    Thinking is what makes you insane. It is the fuel for the clown car we call your mind. ​

    Insainity doest just fuels on any kind of thoughts. You wouldn't have guessed it but its actually eco friendly... It runs on re-cycling. Repetive thoughts.
    Keep recycling and you'll be good and safe. This is your way to achieve comfort and safety: Habbits and traditions. Dont be afraid to box yourself in! Or other people, object, and situations for that sake. Everything must be boxed and labeled. This gives more control, more information, more powarh. ​

    The state of insanity is characterized and affected by the enviroment around you. So either place yourself in a dramatic one, or, be creative - create some unneccasry drama in your life! The drama can be outer or innered; just as long as the thoughts are taken serious. ​

    In order to take your thoughts serious, you'll need to take yourself serious. So, lets kill two birds with one stone: You are your thoughts, the little voice in your head. This canot be discussed under any circumstances! In that way, both you and the thoughts get that extra layer of weight and seriousness. ​

    You are now isolated from everything and everyone. Your perception of life must be understood as reality in order to create illusion. By taking the perception and thoughts serious, your life becomes serious. The strive towards the future will be stronger. Strong is good. ​

    Chapter 4: Dress to impress

    There is something I never told you. With good reason. Because damn, you're about to get pissed :ey:

    Remember that investment of yours? Well, its out there, somewhere. I placed it somewhere... And im not planning to tell you where. ​

    Who knows? Maybe I placed it inside your next paycheck? Maybe I shoved it inside a womans vagina. Maybe I threw it inside the trunk of a bugatti. Maybe its at the buttom of your next bottle liqiuor. In your next joint maybe? Never hurts to try looking you know.
    Hell, I might as well have disguised it. Maybe as some sort of social status. Maybe a piece of clothing. Maybe as the form of other peoples acceptance. ​

    Do you even know what happiness is to recognize it? How it looks, how it feels? If so, who told you this? The voice in your head? Good. That means you're on the right way. ​

    Chapter 5: Keeping it up

    This is the last, vital and most advanced step in the journey to become insane. Everybody can be nuts from time to time. It takes a real ego to keep things up.

    All you need is this: Fear and greed. Or the synonym: F.A.G

    Lets start with greed. Your happiness is somewhere out there, mmkay? How do you find it? By getting as much as possible.
    More money. More things. More experiences. More thoughts. More image. More status. Keep consuming my friend, keep consuming. The more the better.

    Surprise! You got competition! Other people, that is.
    And they want to take it all away from you. Be it your money, your status, your image... They are your emenies. But. Maybe they can give you what you seek. Maybe they can give more status, more image. Yes. More is good.

    I present to you some alternatives.

    Hide. Make yourself a social mask that you wear around in their precesence. Lie to them. Do things that will please them, get their acceptance. This will make you stronger in their eyes and your own. Stronger is more. And more is goood.


    Fight! Mentally or fysically. Be arrogant or cocky. Be better than them. Show yourself off. Scare them. Make them fear and respect you, and grow bigger and stronger.

    You're alone in this world, and the only way to survive is to have as much as possible. Do whatever you find nessecary to get what you want, because the only place it could possibly excist is the future. Happy hunting.

    If you followed this guide: Congratulations! :hello:
  2. i think im insane, therefore i am insane.
  3. This guide helped me change my life. Thanks, Perdido!
  4. Fuck..

    I'm insane.

    I'm trying to help myself, though..

    But I do think too much..

    You never told us how to stop our insanity?

    .. Smoke more weed? :confused_2: :eek:
  5. Cool guide! I've been considering becoming a fucking looney toon nut job myself actually....... see yall at the asylum!

    I can't wait to have Thorazine for dinner.
  6. #6 Perdido, Jun 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2011


    I could give you some great advice. But unfortanly, that kind of discussion is agaisnt the rules. And im a nice boy :)

    Asylum you say?

  7. Or just down loads of shrooms and acid while fighting a brutal war and then sitting around in solitary confinement for a few weeks. Simple.
  8. Awesome post man! Society really is crazy.
  9. damn it i'm saner then all hell, and i honestly think terence mckenna was spot on when he said
    The cost of sanity, In this society, Is a certain level of alienation
  10. for some of us insanity is a comfortable place to rest from time to time......when the world has become too much.....

    there also happens to be as many kinds of there are stars in the night sky.......

    and some of those places are absolutely beautiful.........

    they have nothing to do with who cares at all.....

    you want to be happily crazy with yourself....

    never care who cares.......

    no ones approval is one could approve or they may be seen as being as fucked up as yourself.....

    you want to go crazy....push yourself until you collapse....regularly....

    there is no state of mind that does not have an organic component.....

    get rid of your television....and get off your ass.....

    ignore everything you have ever been told....

    everything falls away....

    everything decays......

    there is no past ....there is no future......

    there is only this hell you keep building around yourself......
  11. yo but how do i get from here to there?
  12. i'm pretty sure the point of this post is to show you what society does to us.

  13. only if you let it-
  14. fuck are my lithium pills dammit?
  15. You can have mine, I copped em from my dad haha

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