How the World Might End

Discussion in 'General' started by babaloeey, May 8, 2011.

  1. Solar Flares and Nuclear Power Could Mean the End of Humanity

    We have seen through the Japan nuclear crisis how a power shortage could affect a nuclear power plant. The earthquake cut off power to the reactors. Then the tsunami came and washed out all of the backup generators, consequently cutting off all electrical sources to power the nuclear reactor. Without power, the nuclear reactor has no way to cool itself down, and suffers a nuclear meltdown.

    What is going on in Japan is massive. Huge amounts of radiation are spewing into both the atmosphere and sea, posing unknown consequences on a global scale. Japan will bare the brunt off the destruction, but even we will no undoubtedly suffer the effects of increased radiation in our global atmosphere. This nuclear crisis is ongoing and no solutions have been made to stop it.

    Now flash forward to our homeland, the United States of America. Imagine a hundred nuclear reactors going off all at once.

    Scientists have been saying for years now that our world has reached the solar maximum - which is a period of increased solar flares. NASA has warned of a super solar storm in 2012. Storms of these magnitude have the power to completely knock out our electrical grid for the long-term. Not minutes, hours, or even days - but possibly even weeks, months, and years. Transformers would short circuits and burn out, satellites will burn to a crisp. Your new car, likely powered by computer chips, will not be functionable.

    Now let's revisit those nuclear reactors. Solar flares will be the tsunami that takes us out. Diesel power generators are only for the short-term. What will power these nuclear reactors when our entire power grid is incapacitated? What will happen when the 104 nuclear reactors all across the United States go through full-scale nuclear meltdowns all at once -- it may very well mean the end of the world.

    All earlier speculation of a 2012 apocalypse, we've been asking the wrong questions. It's not a large-scale natural disaster that will do us in. It will be completely man-made. And the sun is here to facilitate that destruction with a blast of her massive solar waves.
  2. yeah yeah, i'll be on some I AM LEGEND/ BOOK OF ELI shit. Just runnin' things post-apocalypse
  3. Hope so cause I hate this place:mad:
  4. Highly unlikely.
  5. I don't think so.

    But I'm ready to go anyway.
  6. if it happens it happens! we all have to meet our maker one day
  7. The world will not end (and even then it won't completely wipe out man) for another 500-800 years. It's all good, don't worry guys. If you're wondering how it will end, it will be a gigantic war the likes of which makes WWII look like 2 7 year old kids slap fighting, the loser of that war is the "Anti-Christ", though the winners will have not won much of anything. 70-80% of man will die within 30 days of a certain date near the end of this war, when bombs are set off in the atmosphere completely wiping out communications and computer systems like internet. At this point man will have become so dependent on technology as to have virtually no idea how to survive without a grocery store and power etc., and so doctors, physicists, basically all the really smart people will be the first to die, and the farmer types will be the ones left. Hence why the knowledge man attains to in every cycle is lost and we have to re-learn all of it again, and by the time 14,000 years go by the remnants of our "technology" is nothing but particles, what is left will be deemed to have been used for a suitably primitive purpose, as man in that time will think they are the pinnacle just as we do today.

  8. This.
  9. Well whatever happens, we all gotta go sometime. :smoke:

  10. *Sigh* if the world really is going to end, its going to be at a completely random date and time, and no one will be expecting it.

    What you described there just sounds like the plot for the movie Knowing.

    Furthermore, you should really cite the source that you copy and pasted this 'article' from, in an attempt to preserve your integrity before its too late.
  11. "Boy am I sure glad I called that guy!" :wave:

    billy madison reference!
  12. as soon as I find out the world is ending forreal im gonna smoke a shit load and go get my girlfriend.. im gonna die smoking a joint
  13. [ame=]YouTube - George Hrab & Phil Plait: Death from the Skies- drum take w/final mix[/ame]
    Goerge Hrab: These are the ways the world will end.
  14. if it happens it happens. at least we all leave at the same time so nobody has to be in sorrow over the death of a loved one...thats the worst part of dying right??
  15. The world is going to end in 2015...Three years after the start of The Great Marijuana War.

    ...I have spoken.
  16. I wrote it, duh

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