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How should I smoke this oil?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by 7764234, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Ey guys, I got 2gs of oil today for $60. I've never bought oil, smoked it a couple times in joints but that's about it. Anyways I don't have an oil rig and I don't plan on buying one. I have 2 bongs and a bag vape, would it be better to vape it or should I just drip some on top of a bowl? My lhs has vapor dome swing things but I've heard bad things about them since they are made from shitty metal and can release some toxic shit so I'm not too keen on that.
  2. what ive done in the past is take a paperclip , straighten it,then roll one of the ends up into a spiral by taking plyers and spinning the paperclip around,then i flatten , so by now it should look like a tiny lollipop ------O kind of like that. then i grab the pointy end with plyers take my jet lighter to it until its red hot, hold it over a bowl and touch your oil to it and take a hit. so basicly you can make a cheap little rig easy peasy.
  3. Take some tin foil, make a boat like you're going to smoke some good old meth, put the oil on tin foil, shiny side down, then light the bottom of the tin foil and use a pen or straw to suck up the smoke. Wouldn't do this in front of a window. Might look like you're gettin' your tweak on. ;)
  4. I would just spread it over a bowl

    If you're gonna make this a regular thing though I would suggest investing in a vapor curve and torch. Just makes life easier

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