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How should i go about crushing a keif disk back to powder?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Zweeezy, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Have a gram and a half keif puck , but i want to get it back to the powder form. How should I go about this without losing half of it?
  2. Shot glass and scissors?
    Zip lock and SLAM that shit?
    Crush it with a credit card?
    Razor Blade?
  3. [quote name='"Mafia93"']Shot glass and scissors?
    Zip lock and SLAM that shit?
    Crush it with a credit card?
    Razor Blade?

    Shotglass and scissors seems like a best bet!
  4. The hot ticket for this would be a mortar and pestle.
  5. put it between two spoons, back to back and press hard
  6. Pretty much all of these

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