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Recipe How Much Weed For a Batch of Brownies?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Zack22x, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. Hey everyone thanks in advance. But I had a question so yesterday I made pot brownies and used a quarter of weed and some keif to one stick of butter. and I used the whole stick in the brownie mix. me and 2 others are splitting it into thirds. and i eas wondering if I should eat my whole part? or just part? and it if it's actually gonna do anything? thanks again
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  2. it depends, did you make canna butter or did you just grind up the weed and add it to the brownies? also depends on potency of the material, did you decarb, portion size. The only way to know is to just try it and adjust your next batch accordingly. Always start off small. id take half and wait at least an hour or more before you decide to take any more. taking to much of a dose sucks. Once i took half and waited almost an hour, felt it kicking in a little so i took the other half. 2 hours later i was curled up on couch wanting to puke, trying to ride it out in hopes that it will go away soon. it lasted the whole day into the next lol so start small
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  3. yeah I made cannabutter I put the ground weed (which was some decent bud wouldn't say mids but not bomb bomb so just some average nug) into a coffee filter and lst it simmer in the butter in the stove for a half hr on low then made the brownies with it and thanks for the hints. sounds rough
  4. next time decarb the weed, it activates the THC to make it more potent. I also like to add letchins, which also increases the potency. Typically you want to let it simmer for hours, longer the better to release all of the THC. But either way, let us know how it came out!
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  5. Simmering on a stove is an unpredictable method for making butter.
    Different oils, and different amounts of herb can lead to inconsistencies.
    More accurate is to decarb in air (240 F for 40 min).
    If you can tolerate herb taste, then grind the herb to fine powder, and mix into warm butter/oil.
    Then you can bake with it.
    Straining will remove much of the slight herb taste, but will cut the potency in half.
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  6. ok I'll try this method next time with a half oz. per box and do put nugs or do you grind it up before hand when decarbing it
  7. they came out ok weren't that great edible experience but they gave me a nice relaxing feeling for a few hrs
  8. Grind after decarb, because the herb is too sticky before.

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