How much water?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by lightsout, Sep 25, 2007.

  1. How much water does a plant need on a daily/weekly/ monthly basis please help!
  2. it depends on how large of a container the plant is in, how old/large the plant is.... and if you have an extremely well drained container you can get away with quite a bit of water (however not soil soup lol)

    best bet is at each stage of growth add a certain amount of water (if your drainage is set up well it won't be of any consequence if its alittle much) and then wait a day and stick your finger about an inch or so into the soil (GC you are so scientific i salute thee) and if its still damp then hold off on watering until the top layer of soil is fairly dry but not sahara dry.

    i suppose you could buy a soil moisture probe to determine how dry the soil really is, but thats up to you

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