How much water should I use after transplanting?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mobster281, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. Im about to transplant 2 plants from 16oz party cups to 3 gallon pots. Should I water until water starts leaking from the drain holes or is there a certain amount I should use?
  2. keep the water light until the roots are estabilshed in the soil. i wait untill i see new growth starting before i make big are these plants?
  3. wet the soil fully and wait 20 minutes for drainage... when it's just wet soil left, you're good for transplant...

    you do want to let the soil dry out fully before watering again, so the roots have a chance to look for it and spread... a little kelp extract or liquid karma never hurts during transplants either

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