How much should a 20 year old bottle of red wine cost?

Discussion in 'General' started by Zedstomper, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Just wondering?

  2. Depends on the type if wine and where it's from. A Bordeaux is going to cost more than something from Napa Valley. Also how it's been stored and if it's been opened or not.
  3. Average 70 dollars of a decent ten dollar bottle when it was 2 years old
  4. Would 300$ be reasonable for imported?Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. if youre rich thats reasonable. if youre a normal person, you have no business dropping 300 bucks on some wine that you couldnt taste the difference if presented with both. 
  6. Depends totally on the area grown, type of grape, brand and other factors.
    in france, you can get real good wines for cheap, most are 5-7 years.
    taste is slightly altered, but not worth the extra money, you can get a good bottle of red for cheap.

  7. Why dont you take a picture? It could be worthless
  8. depends on where it's from.  it still heavily depends on whether it's a good year or not.
    a 20 year old bottle of wine may not be worth as much as a 7 year old wine that made in a good year. 
  9. Imported? 20 year wine doesn't taste much different to a normal pallet that doesn't know much about wine. It takes years to taste the subtle changes age can bring to wine. Why waste the money when you probably won't even taste it
  10. #10 Afghancamel, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2014
    On price, it's a bit like a drinker asking how much does an ounce of pot cost. It depends.
    My family drinks a fair amount of wine, so I have a good idea of the scene.
    $300 should get you a very, very good wine or it could even get you a world-beater. But, as with herb, some wine is overrated and overpriced. 
    Both reds and whites get better with age, but white wine hits it's peak earlier and is drinkable for a shorter window of time. I wouldn't be buying a 20 year old bottle of chardonnay untested, it could be off. Reds are slower to mature and can remain at peak drinkability levels for decades. Of course, this is generalizing, but it is a good guide.
    So, being a 20 year old wine means nothing in and of itself. Even among the reds there would be 7 year old pinot noirs that out-rate 25 year old shiraz in the same price bracket.
    In general it would be advisable to let the market do the work for you. A wine is $10 a bottle for a reason and not a lot of it has to do with age. It is rare for a wine to be unrecognised when young only to be discovered when older. It is relatively easy to identify the wines that will reach greatness long before they are even ready to drink. 
    I am guessing that you wish to purchase it as a gift or as some form of contribution to a special occasion. If you want to make the best of it go out of your way to find an experience wine buff and get advice from them. The internet will just muddy the waters, so to speak.
    All that said, if it is a 20 year old wine that you want because the date is significant and you are prepared to spend $300 then I would recommend a 100% shiraz. It's a big bodied, full flavored red wine that will still be maturing when religion has died off but, at 20 yo, it'll be more than ready to drink now.
    A good shiraz can bring a wine buff to tears when it's a truly great wine, and you should get pretty close to greatness for those dollars.
    Good luck. 
  11. Would 300$ be reasonable for imported? [​IMG]
  12. Wine is worth whatever you will pay for it.
  13. Dude, get a bottle of coppola pinot noir and drink that delicious shit with a fatass charcoal grilled ribeye.sent from underneath my balls
  14. fuck that get some franzia or carlo rossi get 4L for $15 and get drunkle 
  15. Op, tell us the name and year of the wine in question and we will be able to give much much better answers. In other words we can Google it for you ;)
  16. Its just a general questionSent from my DROID BIONIC using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  17. I would pay about...tree fitty
  18. Mm, wine.. My favorite ..

    I'm even down with space bags!
    imported from where?
    what vineyard and vintage?
    how was it stored for the last 20 years?
    lots of variables..
  20. Depends on what it is, and where it's from. Anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand. I can't really help you there. I'm no vintage encyclopedia. And don't make the mistake of blindly buying old. Just because it's old, doesn't mean it's good. If it isn't good wine in the first place, good quality grapes, properly made, aging doesn't do anything for it. Also, it has to be stored properly. That is, a cool, dark place, on it's side so that the cork stays wet. If the cork deteriorates, you have a bottle of vinegar.

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