I have to admit, i'm a music junkie. I'm playing/practicing/listening to music about 7 hours a day. My itunes library has 17,733 heavily quality controlled songs. Thats 61 days of music, 103 gigs. The scary thing is, I know the library inside and out. (Is that sad?) How much tunage do you guys have at your disposal?
Holy shit dude i have never heard of somebody with that much music. Must be really cool tho to have much varity. lol i think i only have a little over 500 songs on my computer.
Damn, that is a hell of a collection... I have almost 20gb, roughly 4,000 songs. Always lookin' for more good music...
i only have 20 days and 10 hours worth, it takes up 72.9gb divided into 6259 songs nearly all of it is ripped directly to lossless .flac format
I just checked what Indy and I have and it's 229 gigs. He also recently set up a new server specifically for media but I can't remember how to get into it to see what's there.
Nice! I currently have 10,774 songs in my iTunes library. It sucks because it won't all fit on my iPod now. But Apple just came out with that iPod Classic that holds 120gb so I am probably going to get one of those.
It would be really nice if you started a FTP Server so we could share. I wouldn't mind sharing my collection with you. I also have a media server - Fedora 7 running on: p4 3.2Ghz , 1GB ram, .5 terrabyte of storage 60 gigs of music 250 gigs of movies, tv shows, etc I use MediaTomb to share out to my UPnP devices, PS3, XBOX 360, XBOX (running linux, softmod hack)
I had somewhere over 5,000 on my old computer. Fortunately most of them are on my iPod. The laptop I'm using now only has about 200 songs atm.
Yeah, I'm about to drop some cash and get the 160gig so I can hold all my music. I have the old black and white 40gig right now so I have to rotate music in and out all the time.
I have about 1700 songs on my computer. Would have more if I had a faster connection but I think I'm the last person in the world to still have dial-up...
98gigs right now, little low on music, unfortnally my MP3 player is a 30gig, need to upgrade. RMJL nice collection, 200+ is a tough music mark to hit, I had about 200gigs a few years ago but got rid of most if it because alot of it was just music I wasn't into at the time.