How much more advanced would science and technology be if it werent for ethics

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by CrowClaw, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. it seems just when scientist start getting into really exciting and mind blowing studys and experiments ethics always shuts them down
  2. Well, they do say that leaps and bounds were made in medicine by human testing conducted in concentration camps.. But you have to consider the reason for ethics and what they protect us from also.
  3. #3 Sam_Spade, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    Ethics adds credibility and accountability to research.

    There are many researchers who very intentionally work on the edge of ethical research boundaries. They push the barrier with very creative participant selection, and consent processes. These kinds of researchers are invaluable in any discipline, but must also be balanced by a sizable cohort of by-the-book researchers -- there is definitely no shortage of research topics that fall within ethical guidelines. It really comes down to how bold of a postgrad you are, and how hard you are willing to fight for your ideas.
  4. A lot farther I think. No doubt about it.
  5. Ethics is one thing..

    Screaming blasphemy is another.

    If it weren't for all these whiny little bitches saying "unnatural" we'd have gene therapy clinics capable of curing cancer and possibly even congenital defects.

    Idiots will always be there to squeeze out a mud monkey on science.
  6. I completely agree. One of the reasons I could never be a biologist - actually useful research requires some test subject, animal or human, that is a bitch to get through the process to allow you to test.
  7. Idk about y'all but I wanna see a human animal hybrid already.
  8. haha hell yeah if i could be an animal hybrid i would be part eagle and fly around shitting on rich folks cars also are they researching stem cells or is that still unethical
  9. [quote name='"CrowClaw"']
    haha hell yeah if i could be an animal hybrid i would be part eagle and fly around shitting on rich folks cars also are they researching stem cells or is that still unethical[/quote]

    Lol if you were a hybrid only thing you'll get from the eagle that's useful to humans is its eyesight probably, which would be awesome, unless u grew wings that is...
  10. we would be dead

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