how much fertilizer do i pore on my soil

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by jayjay5396, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. im thinking i maybe feeding too much.

    ok so i got 3 liter bottles for water and feed, When i just wanna water i give an adult plant half of one of them bottles every 2 days.

    when i feed i follow instructions on bottle of how to make the feed but the bottle doesnt say how much of this mix you actually pore onto the soil so ive been feeding my adult plants about 1.50 liters every 2 weeks.

    am i doing it right?
  2. Start out with 1/4 strength for a few weeks then progressively go higher... Get a ppm meter and u cant go wrong.
  3. 2 weeks seems like a very long time to wait to pour new water, I use the same amount of water. 3-7 days has been my minimum and maximum and treats my babies nice. Can you get pics?
  4. #4 jayjay5396, Jun 24, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2012
    yep 2 weeks seems awhile but thats what the feed asks just doesnt say how much to pore on :(

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