[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jySEEOC648]YouTube - New York Pork: The Library[/ame] NY Library official's pay? Shhhh Should we cap all public sector pay?
The NY Public Library delivers. Go on the NYPL website and check it out. We can download Ebooks for free, reserve books and get them sent to a local branch, borrow free DVD's, take classes in English, classes in computers, and more. There's all kinds of book clubs that meet in the library, free computers with printing capabilities, groups such as overeaters anonymous at local branches, classes for retirement, all kinds of workshops, books and other media in all languages, the list goes on and on. There's four dedicated reseach specialty libraries and 44 library branches in Manhattan, over 30 in the Bronx, and 12 in Staten Island. They all are part of the NY Public Library. Personally, I benefit from the NY Public Library. It's a place to go for almost anything you need - they have tremendous resources. They even have shops that generate income. These aren't Dick and Jane books, many of the greatest minds in the world come to New York to use the library system. There are all kinds of specialized resources that anybody can use, for free. We have one the best libraries in the world, and one of the biggest - you don't pay the head of it chicken feed for a salary. Welcome to the New York Public Library
"Muh husbands a library manager and we don't even dream of those numbers", spoken by a tourist in the video. Sheriff Andy and Deputy Barney Fife of Mayberrry don't make the type of salaries that our police commissioner and his assistant in NYC make in NYC, either.
At the University of Houston the Dean of the library, Dana Rooks, has an annual salary of $193,392. There are three additional people at this ONE library , making over 100 grand a year each, and numerous other employees. This is one library, the NYC Public Library system has over eighty branches. University Libraries Salaries at University of Houston | Government Employee Salaries | The Texas Tribune
So you think that unless they offer these ridiculous salaries, the NYPL will go to shit? The President of the NYPL needs to make twice as much as the President of the United States? Really?
The office of the president has gone to shit, hasn't it? I don't think that the library head's salary is "ridiculous", he's overseeing a huge system. It's all relative. Sometimes, you get what you pay for in this life. Maybe we SHOULD pay the president more money, to attract better candidates. We can't do much worse than we have in recent memory, can we?
I think aaronman is referring to the fact that one's pay doesn't always reflect one's performance, especially in the public sector. You can't just throw money at a problem (as if the presidency needs more money thrown at it) and expect it to fix itself. It doesn't.
Is he worth over a half million a year, I'd say so, and then some. The whole world is using this library, for free, via the electronic digital innovations that he has been responsible for bringing to the NYPL. The library buildings attract tourists, and researchers, and NYC makes money from them. The better the library system is, the better the chances of success for students is. Business people can look up all kinds of vital information, and avoid spending money on lawyers, consultants, and other professionals. This man, Paul LeClerc, is easily worth ten times as much as he is paid. He is elevating everybody's quality of living in NYC, and beyond. Free education for the world, that alone is a tremendous accomplishment. Dr. Paul LeClerc to Retire as President of The New York Public Library November 18, 2009, New York, NY—Dr. Paul LeClerc, the French literature scholar who has guided The New York Public Library into the digital age—one of the most dramatic transitions in its history—has announced that he will retire from his position as President in the summer of 2011. At a meeting of its Board of Trustees today, Dr. LeClerc said he is “both astonished and pleased at how much our library system has changed” in his 16 years at the helm. Today the Library is open at its 89 sites more hours than at any time in the last 35 years. Dr. LeClerc has overseen the merging of the branch and research library systems, over $500 million in capital projects, the creation of notable programs and exhibitions, and a more than twofold increase in the Library’s endowment. Users pay 18 million physical visits to the Library each year, in addition to more than 26 million global visits online. "I'm more enthusiastic about the Library's mission and service to its public than ever before, and look forward to all we will accomplish during the remainder of my tenure,” said Dr. LeClerc. “The present momentum behind the Library, with the number of users depending on us at record levels, is a source of great pride for me, the Trustees, and all the staff. I am excited about the strength of the organization that my successor will inherit, and am pleased to be working with the Board of Trustees to ensure a sound transition with the participation of all the Library's constituents. Serving as the President of The New York Public Library, with the chance to work with so many to transform it in wonderful and important ways, is the highest honor I’ve ever been given." “With intellect, determination, creativity, and a passionate belief in our mission, Paul LeClerc has led the Library to unprecedented levels of accomplishment,” said Catherine Marron, Chairman of the Library’s Board of Trustees. “Through years filled with opportunity and challenge Paul has been driven to provide the best possible services to the public. By expanding access to the Library through digital technology, building major new libraries, acquiring important collections, expanding hours, hiring stellar staff, and developing plans to strengthen the Library in the years ahead, he has built a legacy woven into every corner of the organization, which will continue to grow far into the future.” A committee headed by Mrs. Marron and Vice Chairman Joshua L. Steiner will begin the search for a new Library President. “With today’s announcement Paul has provided us with the opportunity to ensure a smooth transition in leadership, giving us ample time to conduct a thorough search to fill this unique leadership position,” said Mrs. Marron. Dr. LeClerc came to The New York Public Library in 1993 from Hunter College where he had been President since 1988. He spearheaded the creation of a digital library, launching the first NYPL.org website—and continues to oversee the digitization of the Library’s catalog; its 700,000 image Digital Gallery; and the vastly growing field of downloadable e-books, videos, and music. The Library, which recently created an integrated catalog of research and circulating materials representing 14 million items, has also entered into new partnerships with Google, Flickr, Apple (iTunes U), Kirtas Technologies, and numerous others that provide expanded access to the Library’s resources. All of the Library’s branches now provide free wireless access to the Internet, and the Library offers 3,600 free public-access computers, with training for those new to computers. A priority for Dr. LeClerc has been to make major improvements to the Library’s physical resources. He oversaw the creation of six new libraries, including the 78,000-square-foot Bronx Library Center, and facilitated the renovation of the Library’s glittering Deborah, Jonathan F.P., Samuel Priest, and Adam Raphael Rose Main Reading Room in the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. Other large-scale renovations have included The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center, the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and the current restoration of the monumental façade of the Stephen A. Schwarzman building. During his years at the Library Dr. LeClerc has also helped bring numerous major new collections to its research divisions, including the archives of Merce Cunningham; Farrar, Straus & Giroux; Malcolm X (on deposit for 75 years); Jack Kerouac; Henry Miller; Jerome Robbins; and The New York Times—as well as the film and video archives of Rudolf Nureyev. He also established the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers, and LIVE from the NYPL—featuring acclaimed writers, artists, and thinkers. Dr. LeClerc is currently working with the Library’s Board of Trustees and staff to implement new strategies establishing the “Library for the Future” as a leader in growing New York City’s human and intellectual capital—offering tailored services to fulfill diverse user needs, developing its leading online presence, and adapting the organization to provide seamless and efficient service through a single system of 89 libraries. The strategies include a bold new plan to create a central library with combined research and circulating collections in the landmark Stephen A. Schwarzman Building. Dr. LeClerc has also overseen two highly successful fundraising campaigns. The Library is now securing the funding for a $1.2 billion transformation project. Today, the Trustees and Dr. LeClerc are steering the Library through one of the most difficult economic climates since the Great Depression. Visits and circulation have risen substantially as New Yorkers turn to the Library for help. By maintaining funding and implementing managerial and operational strategies, the Library has dramatically increased its hours of operation—becoming a critical resource for job seekers and other users relying upon the variety of free services it offers. Dr. Paul LeClerc to Retire as President of The New York Public Library | The New York Public Library
Public Employees vs. the Public Will Government workers get more powerful as they grow less popular. Tim Cavanaugh
NYC public library system has a total of more than fifty million items, the books number more than twenty million. These numbers are surpassed only by the Library of Congress, and the British Library. In other words, it's real fucking big. You want to pay the head of this minimum wage, or what?
We pay the guy $1--,--- something for housing when he already owns a house... I'm sure we can figure out a more reasonable salary. Let's try $200,000 and see if the world ends? I think you're giving him too much credit
Maybe he'll tell us to take the 200 grand and shove it, because he can get ten times that much elsewhere. Would the world end? No, but this is a very, very important job and the future is worth spending a few extra bucks to hire the best. Why shouldn't he make 3 times as much as the head of the University of Houston's single library, when he's been doing this, running 89 branches and much more, so well for many years? This man has had tremendous success in improving the library, and no doubt has influenced library systems all over the world. If he had been a failure, or mediocre, I'd say fire him and try somebody else - but that is not the case, not by a long shot.
Incidentally, the New York Public Library is not entirely supported by taxes and public funds. It is also the recipient of a number of grants, endowments, and other private philanthropic sources as well.
You act like the guy single handedly alphabetizes all the books in the library. He probably doesn't do shit but sit in a big chair
Think that's bad? I remember reading how in the Newark public school system (real close to me) they had something like 40 'administrators', all making like $100,000-$400,000 a year, and it's one of the worst school systems in the entire country. Yea but, remember guys, only those greedy capitalists in the private sector are greedy, not the Unions or 'public servants'. Government apologists make baby Jesus cry.