how much difference between 2 rolls and only 1

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by deathfrmabovce, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. Amen.
  2. look u clearly shouldnt be here go back to apprentice tokers lmao
    with your studip propaganda:)
  3. it's twice as fun and not exactly twice as long, but def twice as fun!!!
  4. Alright I was going to ask you if you've ever heard of P.L.U.R. Then I realized, your a stupid fuck, so probably not. Let me break it down for ya...

    Peace - Why I came into this thread, to make sure the guy has a peaceful, good time with his friends.

    Love - Straight up, If you can't love someone just for the fact that their another human being, then I've no clue what that classifies you as.

    Understanding - I've been in the guy's position before, if someone like you came around and told me to double drop my 4th time doing e, I probably would've. That would've been a dire mistake, the pills I bought my first few times were good enough that half would have you going most of the night.

    Respect - Respect for another human, this is the same thing as love in a way. Even though I've never met the dude before, I give the man my respect. I respect him enough to spend a few minutes typing out a general game plan for him. Just so he can have an awesome, worry free night.

    If you've ever been in the MDMA scene, and I mean, the REAL scene, you would know what P.L.U.R is.

    But I shouldn't need be telling you this stuff, I mean, you got da mad hookupz right? I've no place telling you these things, your royalty. :rolleyes:
  5. cmon guys this threads about ME :)
  6. True enough, I apologize for my part in cluttering your thread up man. You've got my opinion on what you should do, take it or leave it. I'm outta here, if that one kid posts another comment I may have a heart attack, I can only take so much retardism before I explode. :wave:
  7. u sir r officially retardeddd:eek:
  8. So you've never made your way into the REAL MDMA scene I gather, because you definitely aren't showing any PLUR.

  9. Yo MDMA i got yo back this horse avatar freak is weird as fuck:p

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