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How much can I get for 15 bucks?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by mattytsanchez, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Alright so I've been dry this whole day and now that it's night time, I still have no weed because I can't reach any of my connects, just 3. But so I'm going to this party and my friend has a really good friend who sells, but its just reggies and i don't know how much reggies cost because i usually buy 15 dollar g's of somewhat dank. So i just want to get as high as i can with my 15 dollars that I have, so I'm asking you guys, how much reggies can I buy with 15 dollars?

    Thanks guys i really appreciate it!

    Stay toasty!
  2. Ehhh, judging by Arizona prices on the priceofweed site... and assuming it's medium quality weed... maybe 2 grams? :confused_2:

    If you usually get 1 gram of dank for the same price, then I would definitely expect more when you're purchasing lower quality weed.

    Make sure to actually LOOK at the product before you buy. I know that sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people skip that step completely. ;)

    Weighing it yourself would not be a bad idea either, if at all possible.
  3. 1.5-2 g's if your talking bout some reggies.
  4. Average reg price is around 5 bucks per gram if your not buying in bulk so you could get up to 3gs but that's if this kid isn't a prick.
  5. 3 gs where I'm at , FL
  6. #6 rync888, Jul 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2012
    Eighth for fifteen in Ohio. But I'd expect double the Reggie for the price of dank by you. That's usually a rule I go by. So if you pay fifteen for a gram of good then expect at least two grams of Reggie
  7. i get 3 g's for $15 of regs
  8. Really? I live in British Columbia and I get 2 grams of DANK for 15 bucks, not 2 grams of reggies. It really depends where you are though.
  9. [quote name='"xerox1911"']Really? I live in British Columbia and I get 2 grams of DANK for 15 bucks, not 2 grams of reggies. It really depends where you are though.[/quote]

    I'm so jealous of your life bro!!! $20/g of dank here!! :bullshit:
  10. do some negotiating and get an 8er for that price...if its reggies

  11. Yeah bro thats what im paying too, prices where i lived are jacked up so high.. its good weed tho.
  12. $15 would be 5.25g of reggie
    Maybe someone would sell a gram of dank for that--doubtful. Not too sure what mid grade prices are. Here in Louisiana we only have dirt smoke or good budz.
  13. about a gram of B++ dank, Don't buy that shitty weed its not worth it.
  14. Do people really get ripped this hard for reg? Everywhere I've been for all of my life, people have done 8ths+ of reg for 15. I've even recently gotten 4ths for 20... (I buy reg when I roll blunts for friends).

    I guess it is the nature of the business, though.
  15. It's days like this I'm glad I live in Texas, I can get 9-10 grams of Reggie for 15 bucks, that's of course brick weed but it's nice and hairy, basically mids pressed into brick. My dealer grows his own outdoor and it's good. 2 grams for 15!?!?!? Thats just crazy. Take nothing less then 6 grams if it's brick weed.
  16. you can get the munchies for fifteen bucks, but ......... I duno so much about the weed

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