How many of you do this?!!

Discussion in 'General' started by coughdr0p, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. So the other day I was jamming some MIMOSA while cruising with my windows down. I smelled a skunk and it smelled straight up like some good chronic. I had to pretend like I wasn't having a nosegasm because my lady fried was in the car. My question is how many of you blades actually like the smell of skunk because it reminds you of weed? :smoking:
  2. Uh...No, can't say I like the smell of a skunk, not one bit, actually.:cool:
  3. No. Its everywhere in Texas. It makes me sick.
    Fuck those little bastards,they need to look both ways before crossing the street.
  4. fuck skunks, one of them sprayed my dog once and yeah i had to clean the mess up!
  5. My hearing is shit, but not poor enough to listen to brit rock.
  6. Man I do that all the fucking time!
  7. I love it!!!!
    It's funny because I can detect the smell I skunk or weed seconds before anyone else.
  8. I like the smell of skunk when you first smell it but after keep smelling it, it just smell like straight skunk, which dosnt smell good.
  9. My friend and I bought weed one day as we're driving home and smelled a skunk and we didn't know if it was the weed or the animal.
    Good times.
  10. I looove it too hahah. My mom and sister would always ask me why the smell didn't bother me, and I would always reply..what smell? While secretly being in heaven:rolleyes:
  11. This gives me an idea

    I'll just spray some schwag with skunk juice and sell that shit as dank.

    Theenk of the pozzibilitiez!
  12. I dont mind it, its not a smell that smells bad to me. Just smells like super dank in my opninion :3
  13. I've never smelled a skunk
  14. Haha, Like I have to control myself everytime I smell it because it smells like my nose is straight in a bag of the herb.

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