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How many grams is this?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by PuFyy, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Thanks d00ds

    Attached Files:

  2. I could gues but so could you, get a scale and find out
  3. 2 and a half, maybe 3 grams best guess just by looking. Obviously can't tell the density from just a pic but thats my guess
  4. its pretty dense stuff
  5. looks close to 3 grams of dense bud, it also looks like mids from the pic
  6. eyeballing it, i'd say a little over 2 gs. Looks pretty dense. You need a scale for an accurate weight though
  7. 2-3 grams at most!
  8. A little over two grams.
  9. About 2grams, maybe 2.5grams.
  10. 2.5-3g I'd say, looks dense
  11. I'd have to agree with the majority, 2.5g.
  12. Here we go again... :rolleyes:
  13. I'm gonna say about 2 or 3.
  14. 2.6 grams.
  15. 2 metric tonnes! Good score mate
  16. Do I look like a fucking scale to you , honestly if you can afford a computer and a camera you can obviously spend $15 on a scale.

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