How many beers?

Discussion in 'General' started by Five To One, Feb 22, 2005.

  1. how many to get you drunk?
  2. 8-10 depends what kind
  3. All depends.

    If im chillin on a weeknight, i usually drink 5-8.
    If its a weekend and im chillin, ill drive a 12 pack.
    If its a party, i can put back a case of light beer. Heavys fill me up on those long binges.
  4. 10-13 and thats Canadian beet 7%
  5. What size beer are we talking? I have about 2 pints a german genes demand me to :D

    We sat in our rehearsing room saturday and emptied a whole fridge...accompanied by a shitload of weed and even more hash...I had about 7 pints and was going strong...could handle my guitar as if it were a part of least I think so haha...

    How muxh to get me drunk usually depends on how fast I drink, how much I are and what mood I'm in. I can get drunk from 5 pints if I'm tired. Summertime we start pretty early and drink a pint an hour or two while we play in the park (krocket, frisbee, etc..) and keep it going till the sun rises problem there...
  6. Yea im talking standard 12 oz cans or bottles.

    The draft beer sneaks up on me, leaves me with a headache sometimes too.

  7. i smoke like a chimmeny
  8. i don't drink will take me about 6 shots of golden grain to get me gooood and ddrunkk!

    (my ABSOLUTE MAXXXXX is 24 me.....i did it before and i don't remember the extra 3 or 4 double shots...((double shot glass)) )
  9. I feel you there. My German genes also tell me that American beer tastes like shit.

    Anywho, I used to rock a case of Natty every weekend. I've been drinking a lot less this semester.
  10. when i was a drinking man i could knock back 10-15 pints of guinness
    and be merry not kinda pricey tho
    havnt really drunk for about 10 years so coupla pints does for me now
    i prefer to smoke :smoke:

  11. 12oz is that like 440-500ml?..........i drink mainly cans of Bud, the 500ml ones as they give you extra free at the moment, i'm off beer however as i can't get enough of it..........not alcohol as a whole, just beer, i'd drink maybe over 48 cans a week........bad i know!!........i live approx 20 meteres from an off- sales (liquor store)

    doing well i've only had one can of Bud and a pint of Kronenbourg Blanc, been drinking strongbow cider instead and even then only about 10 pints over the weekend........

    to get me drunk, Bud wise, maybe 8-12 in one sitting, but i'm also smoking a lot of hash too at the same time...........without the hash, i don't even wanna know!! our German counterparts us Scots love beer, especially their here fortified wine is the biggest seller along with whiskey............fortified wine as in Buckfast and Eldorado..............Peace out........Sid :D
  12. I personally prefer a lager called Breda doubt you heard of it
    thats lovely shit
    but i dont mind strongbow occasionally and a some bud(budweiser)
    8 pints and im fucked but i d rather get high any day than drunk
    Dont fly 2 high
  13. reading off my can of big k cola, 12 oz = 354 mL

  14. thanks mate for clearing that one up...........Peace out......Sid :smoke:
  15. Yeah...I actually had to check it on online conversion
    Haha I just had 2 pints of Strongbow just an hour ago at tne pub...delicious cider :hello:
  16. for once my weight is an advantage, very cheap to get pissed :) about 5 pints will get me happily drunk :)
  17. Lol I guess my weight is even better than, 4 pints will get me pissed.
  18. On friday I chugged like 5 and a half or 6 MGDs in like 35 minutes, and I was pretty tipsy, prolly about double that amount and i would be good.
  19. 6 ... im a pussy lightweight

  20. lightwieght is GOOD, anyone else is just jealous cos it costs them $100000000000000 to get drunk :p

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