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How Long Until Seeds Sprout?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Mr.StonedSquirrel, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. I germinated a seed and got the white root thing out. I planted it in organic seed starting soil about 1/2 an inch down. I misted the soil before and after I planted it. I have 4 cfl's 67 actual watts total, and one of the cfl's is a couple inches above the soil. I planted it around 4:00 pm yesterday and it still hasn't broke soil. How long do you think it will take? I know an exact time isn't possible but just an estimate.
  2. It can take a couple or few days sometimes.  Depends on genetics.
    Just keep the soil moist and it should come up.
  3. 3 or 4 days
  4. my cheese x took under 24hr but I've had seeds take days just wait n keep the soil moist :) good luck
  5. Depends how long let the taproot get. Normal time thou is all is good you will get your tap root and then 72 hours give or take it will be up. Good luck brother.
  6. my akr took 2 days and then my great white shark took 5 days depends on strain and things mate :)
  7. I concur with all of the above. Give it another day or two, you should see it.
  8. It might be the taproot. On the the previous plant ( both same strains) I had it in the wet paper towel for two days, and on this one I planted it right when I saw the taproot ( which was only 1 day). Hopefully it will be up sometime tomorrow

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