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How long should i give my dealer before I stop buying from him?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dlggnation, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. Its been about a week now without bud. The first couple days my dealer would flat out not respond. ( I would only call once a day) He answered once saying he would hit me up that day around 8pm and he never did. Called him at 10pm and no respond...

    So now im kinda ticked off that he doesn't just tell me whats up. I would be fine with a simple text saying he was dry or couldnt deliver. I always buy ounces... so i would think i would get treated with more respect.

    Should i drop him even if he hits me back? or give him a break?

    Let me know guys:cool:
  2. Give him a break find a new dealer hit him up periodically
    I don't care who I get my bud from as long as I get it
  3. If he isn't reliable get other options. This doesn't mean you should stop doing business with him, just have other possible sources. If your usual grocery store is closed and you need eggs would you just wait for it to open back up or would you go down the street?
    Same thing.
  4. maybe he doesn't like you
  5. To be honest, in those situations I blow up my dealers phone... not so much as to piss them off, but just enough so they know I want to buy some shit.
  6. [quote name='"Feelin Irie"']To be honest, in those situations I blow up my dealers phone... not so much as to piss them off, but just enough so they know I want to buy some shit.[/quote]

    Yeah, you ever wonder why they don't hit you up? Lol
  7. [quote name='"Feelin Irie"']To be honest, in those situations I blow up my dealers phone... not so much as to piss them off, but just enough so they know I want to buy some shit.[/quote]

    I don't think this is EVER the way to go. Imho this is asking to be ignored. That's just me though.

    OP I say find someone else but don't cut this guy off completely. Having two dealers is better than none. It's always nice to have a back-up guy. And if his stuff is quality that's even better
  8. Now i feel bad!!! He just called me back. He got a job and hes been busy =( He said hes going to hit me up soon with a free dime.
  9. [quote name='"dlggnation"']Now i feel bad!!! He just called me back. He got a job and hes been busy =( He said hes going to hit me up soon with a free dime.[/quote]

    Lol don't feel bad, be glad you didn't cut ties with him before you got this information. And just hope this isn't like the last time he told you he'd hit you up later
  10. Find another dealer and make this one a back up for now. Maybe if he realizes that you can get your shit somewhere else he'll pay some attention to you! I had a dealer EXACTLY like this. I ended up using his brother, lol, until he got his shit straight! Worked well for me because when he realized I was buying from his brother he dropped his prices. I hardly buy from my old dealer now because his brother gets better stuff :smoke:

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