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How Long Of A Tolerance Break Is Needed After 3 Months daily use? And Would Just 1 Tolerance Test Undo All Progress?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Weedies Box Cover Athlete, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. #1 Weedies Box Cover Athlete, Aug 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2015
    3 months daily use was alcohol based tincture a couple times daily, and some smoking, which intensified the last week but before that, maybe 15 puffs a day.

    I'm 4 days into a break and trying to decide if it's safe to take a test hit to see if I'm getting more effects now. I've seen recommendations for tolerance breaks of 3 days and I've seen a week, a month, and a year. I've heard of 90 days not doing anything for heavy smokers, and 3 days working (very temporarily, then it comes back after a day or two) for heavy smokers who have done it for a year or longer daily, much longer than me. I almost never smoked my whole life outside of maybe 10-20 occasions before the last 3 months, so I have no history of tolerance, in fact I was always super sensitive, before these 3 months. The 3 months is basically all I have to undo, and not even all of it since i was always so sensitive, too sensitive. I just need to know how long I have to break to get like 80% of it gone.

    My one concern is the tincture daily. I wonder if taking it orally has a longer half life and stays in your system for awhile. I wonder if taking tincture daily was equivalent to smoking non stop, because the tincture may stay in your system all night, unlike smoking maybe, so it never actually gets out of your system before you take the next dose the next day? I don't know if that's how it works, but if it does, that would mean I basically had no breaks at all for 3 months. But 3 months isn't really that long I don't think, so I'm hoping I'm not someone who's going to need to take a month long break? Please let me know if you think if I'm safe to take at least a test hit now, and that if it doesn't do enough it won't like undo my 4 day break and make me start over. I want to at least try smoking now, but if there's a big risk of it ruining the 4 days of progress, which sounds like nothing but hasn't been easy on top of my oxy tapering/withdrawl symptoms, then I'll have to wait another 3 days and maybe make it a week even. But if that's not really necessary since it's only been 3 months and I used to be sensitive, or at least if a test dose wouldn't undo my progress as long as I only took one, then I would really like to smoke right now, if you weed experts and connoisseurs give me the green light!

  2. About 5 days lowers my tolerance level to 0.
  3. #3 Weedies Box Cover Athlete, Aug 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2015
    Thank you! I've been refreshing the forum for hours waiting for someone to respond to tell me I'm good to smoke [​IMG] You didn't say that but it's good to know you can get it down that quickly. I'm just curious, 5 days lowers it to 0 after how much use and for how long?
  4. For me, I can smoke everyday for a year, take a 5 day t-break, and i'm good. It takes about 5 days to get my tolerance back up to 90% where i'm barely catching a buzz. Your mileage may vary. Good luck!

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