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How long is an effective T-Break, Tolerance Break?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by planehopr, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. In 2.5 years since I got my medical MJ letter I literally smoke and/or eat marijuana every day.  To support a huge habit, I have grown many plants in an indoor grow room I built.
    Now I'm finding that no matter how good the weed, I only kinda get high.  Its so frustrating.  I smoke so many bowls and joints chasing the high.  No matter what I smoke now I can pretty much do computation, drive, work, or whatever I want because I'm not really stoned.
    Weed has been a great lifestyle choice for me.  How long do I need to "lay off the sauce" before I can get really stoned again?

  2. Sometimes a week is enough time especially for daily smokers. I think the longer you don't smoke the more your tolerance will drop until you have none. When I take tolerance breaks I often just cut out smoking alone or during the week so that when I'm smoking with friends and on the weekends I get higher.
  3. #3 TheAnswer121, Sep 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2013
    doesn't really matter. once you smoke again your tolerance shoots right back up. you'd be on a 1 week tbreak every week. if you are using it medicinally and not just chasing that high, you should still feel the benefits of smoking. it happens, I've been smoking regularly for 17 years and don't get nearly as high as I used to, but still benefit from it greatly.
    try different strains. or make some hash from ur trim. no matter how much I smoke, some good ol qwiso always gets me high :bongin:
  4. I smoke for 20 days, and then take 4 off. Works well for me.
  5. Some nice feedback you guys.  I'm going to cut back for a week and see what happens.  I'm so sad because I like smoking all the time.  I suppose I do find some relief still.  I want more than knowing I'm high, I want to be knocked off my sock into a good time.  Back in the early days I would smoke too much, throw up in the yard, and then go lay fetal in the bed.  I don't want that.  I just want to have a nice head.
  6. I smoke every 24 hrs and I also workout on consistent basis so I be high everytime.
  7. Yup, 4-5 days works for me, and I smoke about 9-10 times a week.
  8. A week is more than enough for me. Though, my tolerance goes back to normal after a day or two of smoking again.
  9. Smoke all day, every day. 2 days brings me back down to baseline and I start getting too high off 1 hit.
  10. Obv a t break can be any amount of time. But after a week I have a good high

    After 2 weeks I havea strong high

    1 month or more ill have a high nearly as strong as being a new smoker
  11. depending on if your tolerance is due to concentrates or flowers, it can vary a bit. if you're a heavy flower user (it also varies depending on how you smoke ie bong, vape, papers/blunts) then i would say atleast 1-2 weeks absolute minimum. if you take a 1 week break and go right back at it as you were prior to, your tolerance will be right back where it was in a matter of 4-5 days. this is why you either need to take a longer t-break or when you do come back into it, you smoke way less for the first week or two in order to fully enjoy the effects of the t-break. if you're on concentrates, i'd buckle down for 2-3 weeks and gradually ease back in with flowers. as a concentrate user myself, i really got a new appreciation for flowers when i came back from a 1 month t-break. the high is completely different and was almost ... stronger. but i guess that was more due to the t-break than the strength of the flower vs dabs. hope this helps!
  12. so what happened?
  13. 2 weeks is more than plenty
  14. Ugh, I'm going to have to do this tolerance is obscene these days.   Tends to happen after a big harvest ;)  
  15. My advice if you don't want to "lay of the sauce" is to smoke flowers for the normal effects and if you wanna get mega blazed just bust out the concentrates.
    I always keep a few grams of some potent ass BHO just for the times when you want that mega bake. Obviously don't switch straight over unless you want the same problem you have now.
    To be fair though...getting mega baked off concentrates isn't the same as mega baking off flowers. So if it really matters a ton then you'll have to do a traditional t-break.
    Works well for me...
  16. At least two weeks, One if your a noob like me. :smoking:
  17. Thank you for the tips.  I'm a sissy.  I can't seem to pull away for my t-break.  Because I grew pounds of high quality buds, I don't have the discipline to break away.  My experience sucks right now when I smoke or make edibles...its really a waste of flower.
    Thanks for the words of encouragement, I'll do my T break soon.
  18. Take 1 month off. That will get your tolerance back to near zero. Then when you start back smoking, only smoke as mch as you need to get high, and stick to smoking in the evenings. I did this, and it only takes me a small bowl pack out of any glass piece, or half of a small blunt or joint to get pretty high. I haven't even tried concentrates on my new low tolerance, I feel like that might be overkill.
  19. As THC hides in fat cells, the fatter you are, the less effect THC has on you theory !
    yet another reason to keep fit, so you flush yourself in a week rather than a 'mac burger hero' who may take up to 1 month to cleans his body, but old school above is about right, 2-3 weeks smoking then rest 1 week, also allows the lungs and or stomach to recover.
    All down to discipline and moderation
  20. This is true, i am little chubbier and i can notice my tolerance bulding faster than normal people. Also takes a lot more to bring it down. 

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