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How long does the marijuana smell?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sabrina88, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. I mean, say I go outside and have a joint. Then go back inside, how long does the smell linger on your clothes and yourself?
    I also wore a jacket to cover myself so I wouldn't smell as bad, I have now taken the jacket off and taken it for safekeeping. 
    If you wish to save the jacket you must pay a minor sum. The jacket will be yours forever.

  2. I always smell it on my hands more than on my clothes. Shouldn't linger long if at all if you are outside and a little wind to drag the smoke off.
  3. Joints stink in general the smell will be around your mouth Nd fingers the most which might explain how you still smell it being on your mouth "I experienced several more of these deeply euphoric moments on my rambles through forest and meadow. It was these experiences that shaped the main outlines of my world view and convinced me of the existence of a miraculous, powerful, unfathomable reality that was hidden from everyday sight" -Albert Hoffman-
  4. Usually a joint can linger for hours indoors, but outdoors, i'd say the length of time for you to smoke it, and 10 minutes max on non windy days. Your neighbours will still be able to smell though, it's a strong odour. The smell on your fingers isn't strong, but you can smell it up close, so i'd recommend a hand wash with soap. And for the clothes problem, a quick squirt of deodorant will do. 
  5. Remember it NEVER smells as bad to you as it does to other people. Normally it goes away 5-15 minutes, depending how you blow the smoke away from you or just let it linger

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  6. Oh, if you go anywhere near a nonsmoker, they will smell that shit right away and very strongly. If you don't put on cologne or do anything it'll probably subside after a few hours, definitely not as strong as when you smoke a cigarette.

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