how long can you store seeds?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by gunsforgrass, Oct 15, 2006.

  1. i am gonna start growing for the first time next growing season and right now its the end. and i was wondering how i can you store seeds? can i get bag seed and store them till the season? and how can you store seeds?
  2. i was wondering the same thing...i got about 12 blueberry seeds but i gotta grow outside :( ... so yeah how long do seeds last ?
  3. To be honest I don't know either but, wheat found in Egyptian tombs was grown after 2000 years. So I guess MJ will last for a long time as seed.
  4. I hear after a year or so half your seeds will lose their viability. Then again I hear stories of people leaving em sit in a drawer for 5 years and all the seeds sprouting. :confused_2:
  5. I have seeds over 5 years old, I hope they will germinate when I have the inclination to grow them.
  6. I germinated some bagseeds that I had in a jar for about 6-7 months and they sprouted healthy. I was going to germinate some bagseeds that my cousin had just gotten in a sack and those seeds were dead, never sprouted and when I pinch them they cracked open and nothing. Weird how my old seeds were better than some new seeds.
  7. Terrible thought... Maybe your "new" sack was older than your old sack. :eek:
  8. I wouldn't know, I haven't bought a sack since June which is why I used old seeds for my grow. The seeds in the new sack that my cousin had looked healthy and better than my old seeds probably just some bad weed though.
  9. Seeds will last several years if kept in a cool, dark, dry place. Inside a film canister in the refrigerator or back of a closet works well.
  10. MJ seeds will last three decades at least.
  11. Yeah, well I looked into my film container & saw cotton looking mold!(room temp.) I read the seeds should dry out for a few months, and make sure there are no little pieces of bud on them.....Last time I made my Own seeds I kept them in the frigerator & they worked fine...But now I have a deicing freezer that sends moisture into my fridge, so I am fucked!!
  12. Potentially forever. Cool, Dark Place and they will stay viable for as long as necessary.

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