I will soon be traveling to Mexico. How legal is marijuana in Mexico? Or, how accepted is its use? Will I get in trouble if I'm caught smoking on the beach? Thanks.
Heroin and cocaine now legal in Mexico – in small doses - Americas, World - The Independent I went to mexico recently and was offered a kilo for about 100$, probably not that good, but still a bargain imo. It's not much of an issue, and I heard that cops don't really bother you, but if you're in the very touristy areas, its safer to just toke on your balcony or something.
Possession of small amounts of ALL drugs is now legal in Mexico. However, 7,000 people were brutally murdered by the cartels last year so make sure you've got your will all done before you go.
How do you know the weed your buying isn't funding some sort of gang who does some shady stuff on the side? I wouldn't blame the customers of weed, but the failed policies of law makers for this perceived "war on drugs". Had it been legal, there would be no cartels or they would just move over to exclusively the hard stuff, but would no longer have the revenue they once had. Just toke up and fight to end the prohibition.
It is. The cartels make $8 - 10 BILLION a year selling marijuana in the U.S. This amounts to two-thirds of their entire incomes and they murdered more than 7,000 people last year to protect their financial interests. If everyone stopped smoking the cartels would be destroyed and the murders would stop. But people aren't going to stop smoking. According to NIDA 6,000 people start smoking every single DAY, and that's after SEVENTY YEARS of prohibition and the arrest of nearly 800,000 people every year! Since the government is incapable of stopping people smoking then the only humane thing to do is allow reputable businesses to undercut the cartels marijuana prices. That would effectively eliminate the cartels' US marijuana sales and destroy them.
Agreed, and why should we stop smoking? Nobody stopped drinking when prohibition came in and they knew that they were funding gangs, but they didn't care. As smoking, we aren't harming society in any way and making it legal would just put the money we pay into reputable (greedy corporations) hands. But we've beaten the horse to death on reasons why legalization should happen. Lets just wait and see until our government smartens up and finally legalizes this shit so that we can stop funding a civil war against our fellow Americans. Happy toking,