how ironic

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by daguyinyourtree, Mar 24, 2009.

  1. This morning i had a revelation on how much my girl meant to me and how much i love her and wanted to be with her, i even got her a $400 necklace! the whole day i almost brought myself to tears because of it..skip forward..its evening. she comes over and tells me shes breaking up with me because im not mature enough and i should see a therapist cause i got issues. ok, im 20 years old; i go to college; i have a job BUT since i dont know how to manage my money to well yet, and i dont have a "career" yet, and i like to smoke weed, im immature? wtf?? so my question is, do i blaze tonight? lol or do i quit for good? ive been smoke free for like 7 days already but i bought a dub today of some real dank will it be "mature" of me to smoke one up tonight?? she really hurt me...
  2. Keep smoking, the fact that you smoke doesn't have anything to do with your maturity, it's how you handle yourself.
  3. Pack a bowl up and think long and hard about wether you are immature or not... That's what I'd do. Smoking weed in no way makes you immature.
  4. Fuck her get your neckelace back rip it off here neck then rape the shit out of here then dont talk to her agian :)

  5. well stop and think if she left you because you smoke or not... if she doesnt like it and you want to get her back it might bo good to show her that she means more to you than bud....

    BUT if she doesnt care either way or your done with her, i say light that shit up and try and have some fun, her loss
  6. she doesnt like the fact that i smoke but it wasnt one of the main reasons why she broke up with me...fuck it, imma just light one up. life is always gonna have this pile of shit to throw at me, it doesnt seem like something i should be stressing over.

    thanks =]
  7. forget about her and trade that necklace for a nice new RooR
  8. $400 necklace?
    Damn you could've bought a new wardrobe, plus a ROOR and an eighth of Indo!

    I hate to say it but she does sound like some diva bitch wannabe, but I'm not judging. Like the other posters said, smoking weed does not make you immature. You seem like you got it all together. I would take that necklace back and pawn it and get me something for myself. You could stop and show her that she's more important than bud(only if she's worth it),but on the other hand I say It's time to focus on YOU. Do things for YOURSELF, you've already tried to make her happy, but she had to just throw you away after you've bought her a $400 necklace. You deserve better bro!
    Now light it up! And puff it!
  9. Dude, if her thought process is, "He doenst have a career, which means he cant make money to support me." then forget that hoe. If you were both in love the excuse "your immature" is bull shit, either she wants your money or theres "someone else"...
  10. put on the necklace and smoke some weed man.
  11. she just told me that it wasnt really my fault. she just felt that im this good guy who always treats her good but she treats me like shit, and that im only with her cause i dont really know what i want yet, cause if i did i wouldnt be with her....fucking women! why must they over analyze every little fucking thing???

  12. That's horribly inappropriate in any situation.
  13. haha im sorry but i just lol'd at this post
  14. :hello:
  15. let me tell you what I think is the best advice ever


    there ya have it.
    the two things that will fuck up your life are hard drugs and women.
    dont listen to any of them.
  16. LOL i would've done it, but i decided to give her the necklace am i gonna do with it now? and i feel bad returning it for some reason...

  17. i dont know where you fucken shop but 400 would be a jacket + a tshirt to me
  18. Dude. Take that shit back right now! You don't even have to return it, just dont let that girl keep it.

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