I keep my temps around 77-82 deg when lights on and around 73-81deg when lights are off. Is it worth the investment on a portable AC unit to be able to keep temps at 73-75deg consistently? Or can I still produce great yields with my recent temps? Thanks!
Have you grown for awhile with those temps? If so, have you still been able to make good crops? I just don't want to invest in cooling down the tent a few degrees if there's no benefit to it.
I can't get my temps lower then 90's some days. And it'll stay like that all week. Only during spring did I have my tent around 70's. Other then that it's usually in the 80's
Start to worry when you can't keep it below 84-85 on a hot day. Anything above that starts to have negative effects. This is measured at the top of the plant canopy not 4' lower down on a bucket. Most people kind of default to thinking that 75-78 is the best temp for flowering. IMO it's a little cold. You may find you get more rapid growth close to 80. It depends on the strain. Plant growth is basically a complex set of chemical reactions many of which take place faster at higher temperatures. The highest temp that you can keep optimal health is actually going to give you the most rapid growth. This is always to a fine point especially if you are running hydro. Higher res temps cause reduced oxygen holding capacity. Cooler room temps may be one reason that mid winter crops are typically not the best ones of the year.
Thanks man! So investing in a portable AC is not necessary. Speaking about hydro, im running a DWC bucket and I was thinking about investing in a chiller. I've been switching frozen bottles out and everything seems to be going good. I'm just worried when I leave home for a few days.
Personally I run DWC as well and it's been really warm around here. I haven't had an issue with the res. It may be 84-86 at the top of the canopy but I get it down in the high 60's at night. The bottom of the tent isn't 86 it's more like 76 and the water is more like 71-2 when I put a meter in it. It doesn't warm up that fast. Unless you're pushing mid to high 80's in the heat of the day consistently I don't think you'll need a chiller. Many people like having one because they have more control over the temps. A chiller will add heat to the room when it runs.. hehe. Add a chiller and you'll need ac as well.