How have Prosthetics effected you?

Discussion in 'General' started by blueskyafterrai, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. It may not mean nothin to you all but understand these prothetics are engineered. I'm doing this this study to see how they effect the community. So, how have they effected your life? Have these prothetics such as limbs and facial features helped you?

    Are any of you armless and use a prothetic arm to hold your bong or pipe? :smoke:
  2. What is your academic statement?
  3. They allowed the plot of The Fugitive to be awesome.

  4. I don't have an academic statement.
  5. Could have fooled me with the callous way you threw the word "study" out there.

    Ohh laity :eek:
  6. Is that you sam? Damn..

  7. zomg star wars:D
  8. they let me know that

  9. my mom has a prosthetic leg, it helps her walk.
  10. There was a kid in my old school, he had a prosthetic leg. he tried out for every sports team and made em cause they felt bad. he is soley why our junior high never won any competitions.

  11. i think your story is designed to make a decent man feel like an asshole

    that must have been rough on everybody involved.

    athletic competition in my youth was sacred.

    i dont know how to feel
  12. i've actually done some work with this organization called ROMP - which stations itself in Zacapa, Guatemala. ROMP stands for Range of Motion Project

    here's a video link that'll show you what they do - and what i did with em. it was a fuckin amazing experience and the impact of prosthetics on peoples' lives really hadn't occurred to me until i was in a country where there's a massive lack of prosthetics providers and the money to afford them.

    ya gotta log into FB to watch it
    Range of Motion Project

  13. study or research...this is for a presentation on how prosthetics integrate biomedical and engineering disciplines to help society. Not a paper, more of an informal approach to gather complex information to display in a nonthreatening and easily understandable way.

    Hope that helps you dig out some crumb of intelligent hope from your mind..

  14. Talk about a fucked up world. You are focused on winning. Instead, why not embrace his misfortune and join together to bring out his good points. Loose together and then hopefully he'd see that he was the problem and move on with his life. This is why I enjoy the thought of becoming a prothestist. Engineering a bionic leg just as good as our natural one would have helped him be part of the team. Just look at how much a replacement limb could have changed your lives. Say he was good, he just didn't have a leg. Boom slap on bionic leg and your winning championships, you get a scholarship to college and become a player on a college team....Moment by moment
  15. in the joint a few of us would screw with this guy. he would take his leg off to shower and we would hide it or put it in the garbage can..then laugh when he come out a shower "fuckers give me my leg....wheres my leg" guards would even snicker...and dude was a good sport, we played cards with him all the time......
  16. Prosthesis are produced by biomedical engineers . It is very obvious that an artificial thing cannot replace a natural thing . But by doing constant research , the gap can be narrowed down . Prosthesis should be affordble to poor people also as they are the one who need them most .
  17. Theoretically if it attached and functioned as a normal limb how would they qualify for a lot of sports especially at a professional level? Contact and combat sports - not fair because you can't feel in that part of your body, Olympics (pro organizations, and overall) - how do we know the technology doesn't give you an advantage? Just a thought...

  18. Inspector gadget, hahahah good shit.:cool:

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