How do you view animals?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by mushroomsatsuji, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. They are basically like us humans, except they look different and are dumber.
  2. With awe... and with respect.
  3. As meat and clothing. Especially that one ^.
  4. If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend,
    If you can face the world without lies and deceit,
    If you can say honestly that deep in your heart you have no prejudice against creed, color, religion, or politics,
    Then, my friend, you are almost as good as your dog.

    A quote from the internet now on my wall.
  5. With these. :D
  6. I've posted this picture before, but I think it is relevant...

    Few weeks ago, went to the sea to do some 'squid fishing'... and I caught this one.


    I mean, seriously... How can you NOT be at awe after seeing something like this?? It's just amazing... And delicious.
  7. my cat is laying on my arm right now and she looks like a lion. but her wet wet nose makes her feel like a sea monster. a sea draggggin. and her eyes...damn their so piercing she can see right thru me fuckin christ the cunt just slapped me in the face with her paw and walked off fukin catman
  8. #10 EASYlivin, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2010
    theyre just like us.

    and more importantly, dont fuck with tigers..even if youre on an elephant with a whip

  9. are you saying everyone is either a redneck or a gangstabadazz in this post? and thats what cats are? sorry i never thought of cats as rednecks though lol can you imagine what a redneck cat would sound like "meOWyall" looool my cat aint no redneck she straight outta minneapolis yo shes so awesome latin on my arm right nw all stretched out and warm. she loves me!!! awwwww
  10. animals are my minions that will do as i tell them

    world domination, here i come

  11. What are you smokin:hippie:
  12. Necessary food source
  13. #15 Olesmoky, Oct 28, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010
    I view animals as our hoes. We da pimps of dis here planet yo.

    I guess I'm against animal abuse, but I'm all for the breeding and creation of better food sources for us as humans. Whose to say dogs wouldn't be doing the same things to us had they risen to the top? Not that this justifies anything, but I'm just saying... :eek: Top dog gets to make the rules though. For example: the way we have bread and created chickens to best suit our needs. We raise them in masses simply for food. Is this wrong? To people like my mom it is, but to me it's just a more efficient way to get what we need as a species. Sure we could run around catching wild chickens like pokemon, but lets face it... Not all of us are Ash Ketchum.

    edit: At the same time I think breeding animals like dogs into tiny purse fitting critters for our amusement is a bit lame. I mean it's one thing to breed and raise them for food, because we do that for survival... But creating little rat dogs so we can have a laugh and smile at how cute they are? That's silly willy punkinilly.
  14. like a lil bro
  15. i love animals. my kitty is sitting on my chest as i type this, trying to lick and nip my hands lol. life would be so dull without animals :)
  16. nothing but clothing, nutrients, and companions. I believe we have souls and they do not.

  17. Why is that?

    What is a soul?
  18. Humans are the only animal who are deny being an animal. Or atleast, the only animal capable of denying they are animals.

    How do I look at other animals? I look at them as other creatures of Earth just trying to survive. Not trying to sound like a hippy, but this is just my moral stance on the issue. I think we should try to treat them with some dignity and not just as meat. The only thing that seperates us from other animals is our increased intelligence anyways. If we (as humans) had a little less brain power we would be swinging from the trees with the apes.

    This video that I'm gonna post is pretty interesting, you should watch the whole thing (it's only like 8 min). It shows a herd of buffalo coming to the rescue of one of their own. I feel it shows how intelligent and caring other animals can be. The video has a happy ending, so don't stop watching when it looks like it's gonna get brutal.

    [ame=]YouTube - Battle at Kruger[/ame]

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