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How do you use tobacco in your jays?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Miklelottesen, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. Okay, thought this would be interesting to find out. Just pick the one that matches how you usually mix weed with tobacco when rolling spliffs :smoking:
  2. imo nothing beats a all weed jay, i find the only time i want tobacco mixed with my weed is after im high as it clears my head.
  3. Crazy Europeans...
  4. who the hell would ruin the perfect taste and scent of some maryjane with nasty ass tobacco
  5. if you're a cig smoker it's great for you, conserves your bud. Otherwise YUUUUCK!
  6. oops how do you change a vote?
  7. I do not, and never will, mix something as toxic as tobacco with something as beneficial as cannabis.
  8. I personally don't see how you can smoke weed without mixing it with tobacco.
    But I'm from Europe so different strokes for different folks i guess.
    Just tastes too harsh without tobacco.
  9. Tobacco is far harsher than quality cannabis. There is no comparison. Tobacco burns hotter, contains far more irritants, tar, and carcinogens. By all means say you prefer the mixture, but let's not get silly and say it's less harsh that way , unless all you smoke is crap weed.

  10. I have always heard it's a lot more popular in Europe. I've done it a fair bit though. Especially if I'm up camping or something, I love rollin' me some spliffs. Kill two birds with one smoke. :smoke:
  11. I'm not ' getting silly'. That's my honest opinion. If i smoke a spliff with no tobacco it makes me cough and generally tastes harsh. Maybe the % of people disagreeing may say different but i have no reason to lie. I don't even smoke cigarettes.

    Oh and i most definitely don't smoke crap weed:rolleyes:
  12. #13 InnerPeace, Mar 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2009

    Than you're not holding in the smoke for longer than a second. Because I know for a fact tobacco makes your lungs explode when you hold that nasty shit in{herb does too but when you cough it "kicks in" the high and you don't care as much, whereas with tobacco it just tastes like shit}. Thank myself(god had nothing to do with this one.) I quit that nasty habit. I say that as I chug down a 40oz of some bud light:D
  13. I'm pretty sure i know how to smoke correctly.
  14. #15 0_j03_o, Mar 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2009
    Smoking weed mixed with tobacco gets me sick and light-headed as fuck. :(
  15. How the fuck am i lying. I prefer to smoke my jays with tobacco in them because without tobacco it makes me cough and tastes harsh.
    Why can't you just except that and stop talking about it like its a deadly sin.
    I have no reason to lie.
  16. Why would you ever ruin something so beautiful as cannabis with somthing so pointless as tobacco!!! yuk:mad:... but whatever floats your boat i guess!!!
  17. Ok dude hes not saying smoking tobacco with cannabis is for everyone, hes just saying with him its easyier on his body! You dont know how his body works or what he enjoys to smoke! so let it go! have a good day:wave:

  18. He's lying about a personal preference? :confused:

    I, too, find a joint with tobacco to generally feel less harsh. I don't see how that's weird considering I'm a pack a day cigarette smoker. Obviously tobacco doesn't feel harsh to me.
  19. #20 InnerPeace, Mar 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2009

    Poor choice of words there my friend. It is what you describe(minus the sin part, sins are a myth).
    edit: I didn't realize other people felt tobacco is less harsh. I take the "liar" bit back then. To each their own.

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