How do you unwind from work / studies ?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Deleted member 948257, May 6, 2016.

  1. The obvious one is some dank but what else do you guys do to relax need some examples I wanna explore my options ?

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  2. Touch myself
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  3. Decent
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  4. Honestly football/soccer for me. Keeps me active and feels great playing the sport. Other than that obviously going for a toke is nice and nature walks with my pals.

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  5. Me and my s.o work at the same job. After we get off work around midnight, we'll grab some fast food, come home, lay on the bed while we eat and watch youtube. If we don't feel like watching youtube we'll play video games together until 2AM. Then after we've smoked enough we pass out.
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  6. Taking a walk somewhere nature-y and a good shower are my top two stress solutions.
    I've also found that, though it is so simple I often forget about it, there really is a lot of good to be gained by just taking ten to fifteen minutes in a mellow setting, and putting focus into long, slow breaths and the conscious relaxing of all body parts.
    Paying attention to nutrition does play a part, too. Salty foods will raise blood pressure, thus more energizing than relaxing. Being hungry makes me tense and grouchy. After eating is a good time to pause and be calm, think of things you are thankful for, even. Our digestion is strongly linked to our state of feeling, and can really benefit from being given some time to do its process without stress signals coming from the rest of the body.
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  7. #7 Tonika, May 14, 2016
    Last edited: May 14, 2016
    chill in our hot tub or listen to music and dance.
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  8. Play with my dogs, smoke herb, stare off into space, soak in the tub, play with my wife, drink beer/booze, stroke off, play with modeling clay/video games/etc.....

    giphy (4).gif
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  9. I know a six-year old who has a pretty simple formula which he proposes for most problems.
    1. A nice cup of tea.
    2. A nourishing treat, such as pie, parfait, or cereal.
    3. A physical comfort, such as a nap, a bath, a foot rub, or a big hug.
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  10. Drink my thoughts away.
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  11. Started drawing again that seems to work best for me toke while drawing

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  12. Bowling and darts. Wouldn't say bowling is very relaxing physically but it clears my mind. Throwing darts is all around relaxin for me tho. Until I'm too stoned and start sucking, then it's Netflix.

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  13. Do you ever completely miss the dart board while high my dart board has like no holes

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  14. All the time.. I have to hide my dog once the thc is flowing darts seem to miss the board too often

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  15. This.

    I'll also play basketball, put on some tunes, watch some videos that may or may not be porn. Not at the same time of course...

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  16. [​IMG]
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  17. Whenever i do get a chance to unwind .. i'll go out & hang out with some friends maybe tip a bottle with them, play some music, shoot some pool & if there are new people to meet within my circle of friends then it gives me an excuse to stay out longer cuz i'll get to enjoying their company & getting to know them as well ..
  18. I masturbate while thinking of majesticbeard's beard.
  19. That depends on where I'm busy with my work and studying :rolleyes: If I'm not at home I usually meet after all that things with my friends, we have a good walk around the city or simply relax in cafes of Starbucks :) Sometimes we drink alcohol if the day was too stressful for us :)
    If I'm at home I usually have a good dinner after my work or studying, I drink tasty tea of cappuccino made with my own special machine similiar to these ones, listen to my favourite music or watch a good, funny movie :) Also sometimes I make special relax practises, similiar to meditations :)
  20. Stare off into space and wonder why I'm still alive.

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