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How do you make new connections?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Fenrirwoof, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. Ok, so I'm back home from College and don't know a lot of smokers in the area. What are some general guidelines for finding out who smokes and getting them to trust you enough to sell, especially if there is no one around to vouch for you?
  2. Well personally ive never went to an unknown dude and tell him if he smokes,i meet them through friends,but around my area many people just do this:

    They get a sack and they go like this:

    "dude u wanna smoke,i got the sack u just need to buy the blunt"

    Many people around here accept the offer and they end up being homies
  3. Talk to your friends and people at your work. There are so many random smokers out there now, you have to know someone with a connection.
  4. I've always found people through random chance.

    For example, I met a kid on the bus who was on his way to donate plasma for $30 to buy a sack of some danks. I asked him if I could come with and spend $60, and smoke with him, and ended up finding my best dank hookup.

    I found a couple of mids hookups through a few of my stoner friends.
  5. cool, looks like i'll just have to ask around my friends and see what pops up.
  6. all my hookups are from friends, and if ur tryin to get good connections, go blaze with ppl u don't know too well, make friends, get connections.

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